von Buschgroll | 22.07.2012 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine: Asphyxious the Hellbringer

Auf der Homepage von Privateer Press sind Informationen über den Warcaster Asphyxious the Hellbringer und seinen Handlanger/Konstrukt Vociferon aufgetaucht.

Warmachine - Asphyxious und Vociferon

More than one thousand years of preparation has brought Asphyxious closer than ever to his goal of rising above the other lich lords to stand as Toruk’s most invaluable general. He alone holds the key to unleashing the terrible might of the Nightmare Empire. To aid him in his great work, Asphyxious has applied his impressive mastery of thrall runes to craft Vociferon, a skarlock perfectly equipped to serve as a conduit for souls. Vociferon’s battle standard of death and discord resonates with unholy intent, for it was made to collect the essences of all who perish within its reach and fuel Asphyxious’ fell sorceries.

Beide Miniaturen werden vorraussichtlich aus Metall sein und zusammen 32,99 USD kosten.

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Buschgroll/Michael, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Seit 2002 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop: Warhammer 40k. Aktuelle Projekte: Adeptus Sororitas (40k), Covenant of Antarctica (Dystopian Wars) und viele Geländeteile.

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