von Dennis | 23.01.2012 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

War & Conquest: Verkaufsstart

Das neue historische Regelwerk War & Conquest von Scarab Miniatures ist nun erhältlich.

Scarab Miniatures - War & Conquest

We are pleased to announce the release of War & Conquest, enabling you to refight Ancient and Medieval battles. Taking an army of model soldiers, you can recreate a famous battle, or simply enjoy a relaxing game with friends across the tabletop.
The book is 176 pages, case bound (hardback) and full colour throughout. The book has an ISBN and barcode for retailers. The suggested retail price is £28. The rules can be obtained direct from ourselves (www.scarabminiatures.com) or via retailers, distributors and wholesalers. Enquiries welcome.

The rules contain all the information you need to move, shoot, fight combat and resolve morale. These are explained using photographs and so there is plenty to look at. The rulebook also contains a section on setting up a game, which gives you around 100 different variations. Although designed with 28mm sized models in mind, the rules can easily be adapted for other scales.

Some sample page spreads can be found here http://scarabminiatures.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=753

There are also some design notes and further explanation about the game here http://scarabminiatures.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=589

There are sample warrior profiles and introductory army organisation lists included to get you gaming, but as we stress within the pages of the book, our intention is to support the game and community online. During the coming weeks and months, we will be adding army organisation lists, additional battle objectives and narrative battles to the War & Conquest section of our forum and our yahoo group along with new battle reports. We are also planning an additional range of supporting publications.

There is still time to order War & Conquest and receive the special edition miniature. This offer is also available through participating retailers while stocks last. The two figures will then be available for sale as part of our Ancient Greek range. This continues to expand, we have armoured Spartan warriors ready to release next week.

The date of our first UK gaming day will be announced in the next couple of weeks.
We are attending a number of UK shows with a game and trade stand, the first of which will be Crusade 28 January.

Finally, our thanks to all those who made War & Conquest possible, by providing support and encouragement.

Link: Scarab Miniatures


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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