von Dennis | 23.03.2012 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Urban War: Neo-Iskandrianer Rüstung

Ein erstes 3D-Bild des Rüstungsdesign der kommenden Neo-Iskandrianer.

Urban War - Neo-Iskandrian Armour 3D Urban War - Neo-Iskandrian Armour 3D Urban War - Neo-Iskandrian Armour 3D

Urban Mammoth is pleased to preview the first pictures of a work-in-progress version of the 3D sculpts for the Neo-Iskandrian Powered Armour for the Urban War Second Edition sci-fi skirmish game.
These images show the upper sections of the Powered Armour with the original concept art underneath as a way to illustrate how the 3D sculptors are transforming Wayne England’s pencil drawings into 3D models that will be used to pose and create the final 28mm Neo-Iskandrian troop models.
Next week we will be posting more images of the Powered Armour as the sculptors continue to expand on this work and add more details.

Check out this site in the coming weeks for more previews and also don’t forget to check out out Facebook and Google+ pages as well.Urban Mammoth is the producer of games and miniatures such as Warheads and the Urban War Second Edition sci-fi skirmish game. You can get more photos and information about Urban War on the Urban War Facebook or Google+ pages.

Quelle: Urban Mammoth


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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