Urban Mammoth: Facebook & Google+
Urban Mammoth setzt nun verstärkt auf Social Media Marketing.
Urban Mammoth have taken the first steps in their new social media program with the creation of Google+ and Facebook pages for their Urban War sci-fi skirmish game.
These pages will enable fans and interested gamers to get information from the writers and developers of the game and to also communicate with other gamers to share photos, events, battle reports. These new pages will also let fans communicate with the Urban Mammoth team and even get advanced news about new miniatures and game releases for Urban War.
You can visit the Urban War Facebook page at:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Urban-War/354426834569501?sk=wallYou can visit the Urban War Google+ page at:
Urban Mammoth Produkte werden in Deutschland über Ulisses Spiele vertrieben und ist unter anderem auch bei unserem Partner Fantasy Warehouse erhältlich.
Quelle: Urban Mammoth
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