von Christian/Fritz | 06.05.2012 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Urban War: Hintergrundteaser online

Um die Wartezeit auf das überarbeitete Urban War zu verkürzen, gibt es auf der offiziellen Webseite einige Kurz- und Hintergrundgeschichten.

0 Prologue

That expanding halo of gas is all that remains of fifty-seven of my ships, sleek VASA Cruisers and clunky Neros straight from the Ironglass shipyards, and the rock-solid Dreadnaughts that I have served aboard for two-thirds of my life. Below us Viridian kills Junker and Junker, Viridian; VASA hides its ugly deeds with pretty words; and the treacherous synths attack all parties without apparent gain while the Slugs infest their way toward conquest of the planet’s surface. Here, in clean vacuum, enemies and rivals fight and die as brothers, and in death their very essence mingles in a cloud of silver vapour. On that cesspit below, Iskandria, corpses choke the streets and humanity tears at its own throat for the chance to make more. When I see the reports from planet-side I fear that our victory in the void is for nothing, and the fate of our people rests squarely in the squalid ruins of a city gone mad with war.

Grand Admiral Tobias Cranmer, Commander of the Joint Fleet Expeditionary Force in relief of the Arkadia-Helios Binary System

Quelle: Urban War


bald 32 Jahre alt, Einstieg ins Hobby erfolgte mit Hero Quest vor nunmehr bald 19 Jahren. Bevorzugt Skirmish-Spiele. Aktuelle Projekte: Warte sehnsüchtig auf den Hell Dorado Inferno Kickstarter KRam, Freebooter's Fate, diverese Kleinbaustellen.

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