von BK - André | 20.04.2012 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Shadow Sea: Weitere Artworks

Im Blog von Shadow Sea sind weitere Artworks enthüllt worden.

ShadowSea_Ancient commander_sm  ShadowSea_Clal-Chk Scientis_sm ShadowSea_Dagathonan Brute_sm

 ShadowSea_elementalist_sm ShadowSea_euripterid_sm  ShadowSea_hag-ray_sm 

This update focuses on how the forces will be set up in the rulebook. The main four forces will have a total of 16 different units each in the rulebook, including the ones in the starter set. There will be 3-4 personalities in each force (scientists, heroes, ethereal channelers, etc), with one main commander. Each of the models gets a full color concept, so we are looking at 64 color concepts just there. We are moving along through them, right now working on the Scaly Horde and starting on the Ancients. For this Kickstarter run, only 7 models per force will be made (4 for each starter (1 duplicate), 2 new models + 1 commander), so there is plenty of room to grow the game.

We have one new concept for the Clal-chk scientist. This one replaces the first concept, which now becomes the Clal-chk warrior and will be done later.

Link: ShadowSea

BK - André

Aquen/André, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Seit 2003 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop: Herr der Ringe Aktuelle Projekte: Infinity (Tohaa)

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