von BK - André | 05.01.2012 | eingestellt unter: Community

Malwettbewerb: Smart Max Winter Painting Contest

Nicht nur die Vincis veranstalten einen Malwettbewerb. Auch Smart Max lädt zum Malen ein!


Smart Max is pleased to announce their WINTER Painting Contest 🙂

The rules

1. Miniatures entered in the contest must belong to our Smog or Mauser Earth ranges and must have been painted between December the 22nd 2011 and March the 15th 2012.

2. You can modify your miniatures as you please as long as you only use Smart Max parts or sculpt what your imagination needs.

3. You are to provide Smart Max with HQ photos of your creations. Send them to smart_max_cl@yahoo.fr

4. By entering the contest, you allow Smart Max to use photos of your creations.

5. You can enter your creations from now and until March the 15th 2012.

6. The winning creations will be announced on March the 21st 2012, that is to say the day we’ll launch our SPRING Painting Contest 🙂


The Contest is 100% ONLINE. The jury will be made of talented artists involved in Smart Max’s projects.

What’s to win ?

The winner will receive 200€ of Smart Max miniatures of his or her choice.

Plus… Three contestants will receive 100€ of Smart Max miniatures of their choice.

Any question ? Contact us !


Link: Smart Max Winter Painting Contest

BK - André

Aquen/André, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Seit 2003 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop: Herr der Ringe Aktuelle Projekte: Infinity (Tohaa)

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