von Dennis | 12.03.2012 | eingestellt unter: Pulp, Science-Fiction

Hasslefree Miniatures: Märzneuheiten

Hasslefree Miniatures haben ihren jüngsten Newsletter versendet.

Hasslefree Miniatures - New Releases Hasslefree Miniatures - Waterslide Decals

Originally due out on the 26th March, we managed to squeeze these two out a bit early, aren’t we good to you!

Whats going on now …..

Above you can see the two new 28mm metal figure releases for early March.  They will be available in the shop from the 15th March.  Don’t worry about hunting for them…either check out the ‚New Toys‘ category at the top of the catalogue dropdown or on the catalogue page

On the 26th of March we will have a new Dwarf pack (crossbows) PLUS a new single character dwarf.

Below you can see the three latest additions to the ‚Oriental‘ range of decals.  They depict Japanese pictograms which can be used as either tattoos or on shields, clothing and standards. They are also available from 15th March.  You will find them in the ‚New Stuff‘ section in ‚Accessories‘.  The next decal release will be ‚Dragons‘.  These are  finely detailed line art,  perfect for adding details to flowing cloaks and flags.

… Salute 2012, London …

Are you going to Salute?

If the answer is „yes“ then make sure you pop along to see us on stand TA02.  If you want to take advantage of our fab pre-order promotion to collect your goodies and freebies on the day then check out this link.

If the answer is „no“ then we are sorry that we will miss seeing you.  However don’t be downheartened as we have thought about you as well.  More details can be found here

If you have no idea what ‚Salute 2012‘ is and you are thinking „what is she randomly babbling about?“  then this is where you need to go – Salute Website

Quelle: Hasslefree Miniatures


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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    • Kanjis werden ja auch mit dem Pinsel aufgemalt. 😉

      Aber mal Scherz beiseite. Kanjis mit der Hand aufmalen klappt viel besser als lateinische Druckbuchstaben mit der Hand aufzumalen.

      • Und trotzdem sind solche Schriftzeichen en miniature dann doch eine dankbarere Sache als Decals, sag‘ ich mal. Vorallem, wenn der „Font“ und die Größe dadurch einheitlich bleiben.
        Ich erinnere mich daran, meine Space-Marine-Panzer damit zu versehen… oh, Graus! °:D
        So ein Set muss man her!

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