Gripping Beast: Dux Britanniarum Starter
Gripping Beast veröffentlicht zwei Dux Britanniarum Starter.
Dux Britanniarum Saxon Starter Army
Drawn up by Lardy HQ, this army deal contains: ESX01, ESX03, ESX04, ESX05, ESX07, ESX09, ESX12, ESX15, ESX19, ESX21, ESX22.
This will provide for your Warlord, two Big Men, one champion, two Groups of six Hearthguard, three Groups of six Warriors, one Group of four Archers. The pack also contains a selection of weapons and a choice of shields or bucklers.Dux Britanniarum British Starter Army
Drawn up by Lardy HQ, this Army Deal contains: ABR01, ABR02, ABR03, ABR04 X 2, ABR06, ABR08, LR12, LR17, LR19, LR20, BWK10.
This is enough for your Warlord, two Big Men, one Chapion, one six figure Group of Household troops, two six figure Groups of Warriors, three six figure Groups of Levy, one four figure Group of missile troops and a couple of spare figures to cope with the first inflow of voluteers to your cause.
Das Starterset der Briten kostet 65,00 GBP und das Starterset der Sachsen 60,00 GBP.
Quelle: Gripping Beast
Neben SAGA ein weiteres interessantes und innovatives Spiel. Zum Glück konte ich das Sale Offer von West Wind nutzen und mir günstig eine ganze Armee Romanobriten Anschaffen.
Interessant, wofür ich meine Germanen alles bemale…
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