von Dennis | 03.04.2012 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Forged in Battle: April Neuheiten

Forged in Battle ergänzt im April ihre Range um 3 Sherman und 2 StuG Panzer.

Forged in Battle - Sherman V 75mm Forged in Battle - Sherman Vc Firefly Forged in Battle - Sherman Crab flail Forged in Battle - StuG III F8 75mm L43 Forged in Battle - StuG IV Mid-production

Here’s the latest new releases from Forged in Battle’s increasingly popular 15mm WWII range.

  • M4A4 Sherman V 75mm £19.50
  • M4A4 Sherman Vc Firefly £9.75
  • Sherman Crab Flail £19.50
  • StuG IIIF8 £19.50
  • StuG IV £19.50

This month they increase the fire-power available to the British Armoured Divisions with the addition of the Sherman Firefly and the M4/A4 Sherman V 75mm. To protect your armoured assests they have added a beautiful model of a Sherman Crab Flail to clear away those pesky mines.

The Germans receive reinforcements in the guise of the StuGIIIF8 and the StuGIV.

Forged in Battle are currently working their way towards releasing Bren gun carriers (all variations) and the Carden Loyd carrier for the British. This will give you the ability to field British mechanised infantry.

Check out the Forged in Battle facebook page for preview pictures of up and coming products from Forged in Battle. Check out a whole host of products due to be released throughout 2012.

Link: Forged in Battle


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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  • Also für 15 mm sind die Beispielpanzer wirklich hervorragend bemalt. Betrachtet man nur mal die ganzen kleinen Farbabplatzer und bedenkt die geringe Größe von 15 mm Panzern, dann ist das schon ein exzellenter Paintjob.

  • Und wenn die Aufnahmen nicht extrem verzerrt sind, sind die Panzer mal wieder protortional daneben…

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