von Christian/Fritz | 03.07.2012 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Crooked Dice: Juli Neuheiten

Crooked Dice stellen kaum aus dem Urlaub zurück ihre Juli Neuheiten in ihrem Web-Store vor, darunter ein Waffen-Sprue und einige pulpig anmutende Miniaturen für das eigene Spy-Fi Spielsystem 7TV .

Our July releases are all live in the Store. This month we have a range of figures:
Hugo Solomon & Pandora King Deal £7.50. This has our new Solomon and the old Pandora in one place, which seems fitting. This deal replaces the old Pandora deal.
Hugo Soloman £4
Daughters of SHIVA Deal £7.50. 3 lithe assassins using resculpted Femdroid bodies and female minion heads. With scimitars. As you do.
Daughter of SHIVA £3
Minion Weapons £1.60. Nightstick, pistol, rifle and SMG. Also available in our Head mix’n’match deal.

As noted in their Store entries, Solomon and the Daughters of SHIVA will appear in our forthcoming PDF supplement, the Programme Guide Volume 1.

Quelle: Crooked Dice




bald 32 Jahre alt, Einstieg ins Hobby erfolgte mit Hero Quest vor nunmehr bald 19 Jahren. Bevorzugt Skirmish-Spiele. Aktuelle Projekte: Warte sehnsüchtig auf den Hell Dorado Inferno Kickstarter KRam, Freebooter's Fate, diverese Kleinbaustellen.

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