von Dennis | 06.07.2012 | eingestellt unter: Carnevale

Carnevale: Pulcinella Maltutorial

Vesper On Games hat ein Bemaltutorial zu Pulcinella online gestellt.
Carnevale - Pulcinella Carnevale - Pulcinella Carnevale - Pulcinella

This post is a Pulcinella step by step painting process created by our Master Painter, Fernando Ruiz.

Let’s give some details about the painting process of a very interesting miniature, the pulcinella. It belongs to the Guild faction.

This is one of those miniatures that look simple at first sight but that simplicity makes it really attractive. It’s perfect to make a guide about painting the white color.


Before we start, it may be useful to talk about a couple of things about white color:

– White looks lighter or darker depending on the other tones of the miniature. If we paint clothes in a medium grayish tone, with its highlights and shadows, it will look lighter if surrounded by darker tones. In the other hand, it will look darker if the surrounding tones are lighter. It is a visual effect that you better keep in mind.

– The key in a white color that works is the color you use in the basecoat. A really light color will be hard to shadow; an excessively darker one will be hard to highlight. Also important is the use of a cold or warm tone, as it will be decisive for the final overall appearance of the color. Among the most useful tones to get a white cloth would be Stone Grey or Deck Tan if we look for a balance between a cold and a warm tone, Beige or Iraqi Sand for a warmer tone and Pale Grey or even Pale Blue for a colder tone. In any case, the idea is to try different combinations until you find the tone more suitable for you.

Das komplette Tutorial findet ihr hier: STEP BY STEP: PULCINELLA .

Carnevale ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.

Quelle: Vesper-on Games


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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  • sehr interessant und ausführlich. Alleine die Schritt für Schritt Fotos sind lehrreich, wenn man sich die Reihe anguckt. Danke dafür

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