von Christian/Fritz | 01.05.2012 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

Blood Bowl: Dungeonbowl PC Spiel

Blood Bowl Fans aufgepasst: Dungeon Bowl wird angeblich noch in diesem Quartal unter der Regie von Cyanide auf dem PC erscheinen!

Entsprechende News verkünden Cyanide auf ihrer Webseite. Auch eine dazugehörige  Dungeon-Bowl Homepage, die abgesehen von einer Startseite noch leer ist, existiert bereits.

Dungeonbowlis the next exciting Blood Bowl experience, set in the fantasy American Football inspired game world already adapted as a video game by Cyanide. The key difference between Dungeonbowl and Blood Bowl as is rather obvious from the name, is that Dungeonbowl is played in a dangerous dungeon!

The wizards created the Dungeonbowl as they wanted to know which Magic College was the most powerful. The game introduces some subtle modifications to the standard Blood Bowl rules. A match is still played between two teams, but each side is composed of three races. For example, the roster of a Rainbow Wizards team contains Wood Elves, Halflings and Humans. The second difference is that the first team to score a touchdown wins the match. This task is made significantly more difficult by the fact that the ball is hidden in one of six treasure chests, five of which are booby-trapped with an explosive spell. Last, but by no means least, movement within the dungeon is both facilitated and complicated by teleporter pads. These allow players to magically zap from one position to another; a mishap, however, can lead to a player being zapped out of the match. As with Blood Bowl, the game is driven by dice and each player plays in turn.

Dungeonbowl continues Cyanide’s successful collaboration with Games Workshop and their rich and varied Blood Bowl world. The gameplay should therefore delight existing Blood Bowl fans as well as offer a gateway to this zany parody of Warhammer®and American Football for fans of tactical sports gaming.


Die Screenshots stammen von gameswelt.de.



Offizielle Dungeon Bowl Webseite



bald 32 Jahre alt, Einstieg ins Hobby erfolgte mit Hero Quest vor nunmehr bald 19 Jahren. Bevorzugt Skirmish-Spiele. Aktuelle Projekte: Warte sehnsüchtig auf den Hell Dorado Inferno Kickstarter KRam, Freebooter's Fate, diverese Kleinbaustellen.

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