von Buschgroll | 03.04.2012 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines

Blackwater Gulch: Kickstarter

Blackwater Gulch hat sein erstes Stretch Goal in nur 48 Stunden erreicht. Das ist jedoch noch lange nicht das Ende und die Verantwortlichen bitten noch immer um Unterstützung.

Blackwater Gulch - Kickstarter

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who has backed the game so far or anyone else who plans to in the future! I’m very excited to see this succeed in just 48 hours! But let’s not stop there! I’ve created some stretch goals for the project, which are:

STRETCH GOAL #1 – $6000 – If we can reach $6000, I’ll will be able to fund a third box set. This set will be The Bloodwolf Tribe, a Native American themed gang. Concept art for this gang is still in production, but I have one figure sketched out so far, on the Kickstarter Page

BONUS – If we make it to $6000, every backer who pledged $30 or more will recieve specially made, custom Sheriff Dice at the rate of 1 D6 per $1500 generated. So, that will be 4 dice to start with, and the more we can make the more you will get! These dice are ONLY being created for this Kickstarter campaign and will never, ever be available ever again. These dice will be 16mm with a 6-pointed sheriff start on the #6 side.

STRETCH GOAL #2 – $9000 – If we can reach this goal, we will be able to fund a fourth box set. This set will be The Bandidos Mexicanos, a Mexican themed gang. Concept art will be produced and I’ll add images as soon as I have them. Expect to see plenty of criss-crossing bullet belts, federales, machetes and sombreros!

BONUS: If we make it to $9000, every backer who pledged $30 or more will receive The Norwegian for FREE. This Hired Gun can be added to any gang, and will have stats similar to a gang leader, with unique weapons not available to normal characters in the game. Sculpted & designed by Pedro Ramos, The Norwegian is based on a character from the AMC show “Hell on Wheels”. This model will be available for sale later, however he’s being offered free to Kickstarter backers. He’ll be available probably around the same time as the Vigilance Committee figures.

Thank you again for your support! I can’t wait to see how far we can take this and start bringing you all the best Wild West figures around!

Link: Blackwater Gulch Kickstarter


Buschgroll/Michael, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Seit 2002 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop: Warhammer 40k. Aktuelle Projekte: Adeptus Sororitas (40k), Covenant of Antarctica (Dystopian Wars) und viele Geländeteile.

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  • Wie es scheint haben die keinerlei Schwierigkeiten, Geld einzusammeln. Nicht schlecht.
    Das Gezeigte rechtfertigt auch die Unterstützung, die das Projekt bekommt.
    Wirklich schöne Sache. Ich hoffe, das auf diesem Wege noch das ein oder andere das Licht der Welt erblickt, das ansonsten nicht hätte umgesetzt werden können.

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  • Kickstarter ist schon was tolles, lohnt blos kaum wenn man immer noch Versand und Zoll bzw EUST dazurechnet.

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