von Dennis | 18.06.2012 | eingestellt unter: Darklands, Veranstaltungen

BaneLegions: Malwettbewerb

Das Malforum WAMP veranstaltet zusammen mit BaneLegions einen Malwettbewerb.

The contest is open to and miniature from the Banelegions or Banebeast ranges. Your entries can be a single figure, diorama,unit, whatever you fancy as long as they are Maelstrom minis. You can even sculpt/convert your entry as long as its inherently a Maelstrom miniature (they even have their spanking new bitz service you can use!)

The deadline for entries will be 4pm Friday 24th August 2012

Supporters deadline will be 4pm Friday 31st August 2012

This will be carried out by Maelstrom staff as well as their studio painters. The Maelstrom painters are top drawer so you really need to impress them!

The Rules:
(please read them, its amazing how many dont!!)
A few rules:

You must be a Wamp Member to participate. Membership is free and you may register here.
You may enter as many times as you like but each entry may only submit one photograph so if you need more angles it MUST be a montage.
Images must be no larger than 1000 pixels wide by 2500 pixels high. (It is your responsibility to check this).
Any additional photographs of that entry will be removed.
All entries must be new work. (New work is defined as any entry not previously displayed on-line in a completed state (You MAY enter pieces which have been shown as a Work In Progress (WIP)).
You give Wamp and Maelstrom Games permission to use your pictures for publicity (but you do retain ownership).
You may post pictures of WIP or final shots both here and elsewhere.
Judging will be decided by Maelstrom Games.
Submissions must be posted to the contest gallery You must make sure you select the correct contest option in the contest select box either during upload (if using the basic uploader) or via edit pictures after upload
Prizes are awarded for your own personal use. They must not be sold on. Any winner found to be doing so will immediately forfeit any further prize due and will be banned from future Wamp contests. This rule is in place to protect Maelstrom Games own sales.
Maelstrom games commision painters are free to enter the contest but must do so with their own personal work. Miniatures commissioned by Maelstrom are not eligible


The bit you have all been waiting for! Here we go:

1st Prize:

One of EVERY new release for 1 YEAR!! This includes Banelegions AND Banebeasts! Yes thats right, EVERY miniature Maelstrom Games releases from the prize awarded until 12 MONTHS LATER!! Thats ALL THE MONSTERS, ALL THE TROOPERS AND ALL THE SINGLE FIGURES!!!! (Based upon the previous 12 months release schedule thats over £1,000 in miniatures!!) Maelstrom release at least 1 miniature per month and often 3 or 4!
The winning entry will also feature on the cover of Portal Magazine

2nd Prize:

Your choice of 1 miniature from that months new releases – FOR A YEAR! (so every month for a year you can pick one of their new releases from that month.

3rd Prize:

Your choice of ANY miniature in the Banebeast or Banelegion ranges (released at time of judging) Worth up to £99.99 and as if that wasn’t enough!!!………

Die kompletten Regeln findet ihr unter dem Link.

Der Malwettbewerb läuft bis zum 24. August und bietet als Hauptpreis, ein beachtliches Dauerabo der Neuheiten im Wert von 1.000 GBP!

BaneLegions und BaneBeasts sind in Deutschland bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.

Quelle: Bane Legions
Link: WAMP


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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