von Dennis | 27.08.2011 | eingestellt unter: Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Warlord Games: BEF Miniatures gekauft

Warlord Games hat einen weiteren Miniaturenhersteller aufgekauft, dies mal BEF Miniatures.

BEF Miniatures BEF Miniatures

We’re delighted to be able to announce that Warlord Games have purchased BEF Miniatures from owner and designer, Ian Crouch.

This move allows us to bring the early stages of World War II to our customers with the intention to not only extend the great 28mm range Ian has built but also take it to a new level.

With dozens of vehicles and a range of miniatures covering British, German and Belgian armies BEF meshes very well with our existing Bolt Action range which, whilst predominantly focusing on the late war, has French and Polish ranges for the early war. Expect all nationalities to see new releases before too long as Ian will continue to make vehicles for the range and we already have several almost ready to release! As you’ll appreciate moving a large range of miniatures, masters, moulds, etc will impact on production and as a result the BEF website has been taken offline. As soon as we’re able you’ll start to see the BEF range appear on the Warlord Games webstore and, of course, you’ll hear all about it first in our weekly email newsletter. The sooner the better as we’re all very excited about this new line.

For the late war and Pacific fans amongst you, never fear – we’ll continue to bring you loads of new goodies! We have plenty coming through at the moment and the pace won’t slacken due to the BEF acquisition!

We’d like to thank Ian for not only his boundless enthusiasm for the period but the gentlemanly way he’s conducted business in closing this deal. Not bad for a soft Southerner…

Damit wird sich das Angebot der Bolt Action Range stark erweitern, gerade im Bereich der frühen Kriegsjahre und Fahrzeuge.

Warlord Games Produkte sind in Deutschland unter anderem über unserem Partner Fantasy In erhältlich.

Quelle: Warlord Games


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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