von Dennis | 21.07.2011 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

Warhammer 40.000: Helden von Armageddon

Das Heroes of Armageddon Charity-Projekt ist annähernd fertig und die Armeen werden präsentiert.

The finished Heroes of Armageddon Project
(updates in bold and red)

-Custom Games Day Table added to the main post-please scroll down!!
-Custom Game Tokens added to all army pages!
-WIP shots of Ork Meganobs on the Ghaz Horde page)


the wait is over. The Heroes of Armageddon project started in April and now, almost 4 months later, we have accomplished what we set out to do: 4 armies modeled and painted to the highest standards. We have here the true Heroes of Armageddon: the Steel Legion and Blood Angels opposite Ghazghkull Thraka’s Horde and the Wazdakka Gutsmek’s Speed Freaks.

From the start of this project, we have tried to stay close to the 3000 point goal, but as you will see, some armies are bigger, some are smaller. All in all, it has been a tremendous effort, having models come from all over the American continent, from Hawaii to Canada to Virginia.

We have done this to raise money for Doctors without Borders, an organisation that sends their people out into the most dangerous places on earth, to help the helpless and try to keep them alive and healthy. They need support and our incredible gaming community has stepped up to the plate. This sunday we will reveal the total amount raised, which will be very exciting. After that the armies will travel to Games Day in Chicago on July 30th to be displayed on a custom built 6×8 foot gaming table, built by Brian Niro from Gentleman’s Ones.
Scroll down to see the custom table WIP images and links.

BUT we are not done yet: if you haven’t donated, do so now. If you already gave some, maybe give again…the prizes are worth it: you could win one of these four armies:

All the miniatures for the four armies are on resin bases donated and shipped by Secret Weapon Miniatures and Dragon Forge Design. Both owners Justin and Jeff also built models for the Steel Legion army.

Let’s start with a composite image of the largest army and biggest prize, The Steel Legion built under leadership of Dave Taylor:
Heroes of Armageddon

Here are the Blood Angels, built by Jawaballs and his team

Heroes of Armageddon

Ghazghkull Thraka’s Horde, painted by the Santa Cruz Warhammer Gaming Group and FTW Games,

Heroes of Armageddon

And the speedfreaks under guidance of Wazdakka Gutsmek, built and painted by Goatboy and his team

Heroes of Armageddon

As you may have noticed there are place holders in each of the armies, as these models are finished and photos are released, this page will be updated to display those models as well.

NOW let’s have a closer look at the armies. We have set up individual pages for each of the armies with large, detailed photos and all the names of the people responsible, please check it out and leave comments. I am sure everyone will be delighted to hear from you all
Here we go (but make sure you come back here after viewing the armies, there is lot’s more in the bottom of this post):

This coming Sunday, the 24th, we will draw FOUR winners, one for each army.

In addition to the models, there are extra prizes for the winners:

Each army will come in the amazing Battle Foam PACK1520 XL protective carrying case

Heroes of Armageddon

Gale Force Nine created custom templates for the armies, with four different colors.

Heroes of Armageddon

Each winner will get a dozen unique dice, designed just for their new army and made by Chessex.
In addition to all this, Silver Compass Designs has laser cut custom game markers for all four armies. Here is the Steel Legion set:

Heroes of Armageddon

About this Super Special Games Day Table:
Here are two WIP images of the table, built by Brian Niro from Gentleman’s Ones.
You see the foam barren wasteland bordering up to the hives.
Here’s the link to Brian’s post today. He will update every day for this week.

Heroes of Armageddon
Heroes of Armageddon

OK, you can have this table. Just send Brian or SC Mike an email. Brian’s email you can find on his page, mike’s is scwarhammer at gmail dot com We will consider any serious offer, all will be donated by you to DWB using our paypal links.You will need to pick it up in Chicago, either after Gamesday (we might get you free tickets) or at Brian’s house in Chicago. We will need the donation by this Saturday. Maybe there are readers with HUGE houses or gaming groups. And remember, the table comes in 4 pieces.

Important 1
Make sure to check out all the sponsors on the right . These companies have been extremely generous and helpful and if you shop with them, you know that your money is going to people that care about the world around them. Support our sponsors, they are great!

Important 2
If you win and you can make it to Games Day next week, you will be able to pick up your army and meet a lot of the the builders in person.

Let us know what you think! Throw some money at it one more time, paypal link on the right top.

John and Mike
Santa Cruz Warhammer
Project Leaders Heroes of Armageddon

Link: Heroes of Armageddon


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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  • finde den bemalstandart zimlich beeindruckend dafür dass so wenig zeit zur verfügung stand…. die kampfpanzer bei den Speedfreaks sind aber mmn leider Abfall….
    immernoch besser als unbemalter grauer mist …aber umbautechnisch baller ich nen ding in der qualität auch in 20 minuten zusammen….

    aber alles in allem beeindruckend !

  • Es geht um die Sache und 5$ ist man ja schon dabei. Ich find es großartig und muss grad schauen, wieviel ich spenden kann. Gewinnen tu ich bei sowas eh nie. ^^

  • Wow, da lohnt sich reinklicken wirklich. Echt viele tolle Umbauten und Bilder… das Zubehör ist ja wohl einfach nur lecker ^^


    PS: Hey, dass Charity ne tolle Sache ist, muss ich nicht nochmal erwähnen ^^

  • Daumen hoch für die Idee und Ausführung. Das letzte Mal, das ich so eine Horde Minis zu wohltätigen Zwecken gesehen habe, war vor ein paar Jahren für Works of Heart (damals allerdings ohne das Armee-Konzept).

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