von Dennis | 15.05.2011 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

ShadowSea: The Stygian Depths Erweiterung

Etwa ein Vierteljahr nach dem Kampagnenband „Campaign Chronicles“ zu Shadowsea erscheint eine 2. Erweiterung, The Stygian Depths.
Shadowsea - The Stygian Depths Shadowsea - The Stygian Depths

The Stygian Depths is a supplement for the 28mm-scale miniatures game ShadowSea, taking warbands deep underground to battle in predator-infested caverns and ancient dungeons of serpent-men and their demonic allies. The game utilizes full-color map tiles, included in the rulebook, to map out the twists and turns of the catacombs. Click on the photo to go to the order page.

The rulebook comes as a full-color PDF file with 92 pages of dungeon exploration, requiring the ShadowSea main rulebook. Price is $9.99 USD.

1. NEW CREATURES: Many new creatures are presented, living deep in the Stygian Depths, ready to consume the unwary adventurer.

2. PLAY TOGETHER OR SOLO: Players take their warbands into the dungeons and compete against the Game Master, who controls the layout of the map tiles and the actions of all of the stygian enemies. The game can also be played solo or warband vs. warband, randomly building the map and generating encounters.

3. WARBAND PROGRESSION: Warbands increase in power as they recover treasure and magic artifacts from the darkness. Upgrade individual models or the entire warband for the next adventure or for a campaign in ShadowSea.

4. FULL COLOR MAP TILES INCLUDED: A full set of cavern and dungeon tiles are included in the book so that players can simply print them out on paper or cardstock and get to gaming.

5. NEW MAGIC SPELLS: Elder magic spells can be cast from dusty tomes to imprison souls, make mirror images during combat, or turn enemies to wisps of dust. Alchemists create elixirs and tonics to help a model’s abilities or cause debilitating trauma. Dreamwalkers can predict the plans of the enemy and interrupt their actions, and can shift reality to make their warband fade from view.

6. TREASURE! The Stygian Depths hold many secrets, and adventurers can discover new elder magical items to add to their arsenal of ether technology. Find many types of magical books, wands, staves, rings and weapons that can help send enemies back to the pits from whence they spawned.

7. NEW RECRUITS: Each of the six main forces of ShadowSea get new recruits with specialized skills to help battle in the darkness. New list of demons to torment adventuring warbands, or to be summoned by those learning the secrets of elder magic.

8. FLEXIBLE DESIGN: The rules can be modified to use in other games based on the Song of Blades and Heroes ruleset. Play with whatever 28mm scale miniatures are on hand or with official Dragonblood miniatures from Cavalcade Wargames.

9. MAP TILES INCLUDED: There are 20 different cavern tiles with small rooms and corridors and one big lair tile. Dungeon tiles include 16 different corridors and rooms, and a large tile for lairs and bigger chambers. Print as many as needed for an adventure.

Link: Shadow Sea


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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  • ShadowSeas hab ich mir bisher noch nicht angeschaut da die Grund-Regeln von SoBH wohl ein wenig aufgebohrt sind und ich mags lieber simpel (obwohl die Modifikatoren wohl nötig sind um ein breiteres Spektrum an Spielern anzusprechen (Stichwort Magie) und auch ganz gut zu sein scheinen).
    Aber ich bin ein Fan von Kooperativen Dungeoncrawlern (wie z.B. WarhammerQuest) und da muss ich dann wohl auch zuschlagen (man will aber auch die Sammlung komplett haben 🙂 )


    wo ist eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen Punkt 4 und Punkt 9?

    P.S. Zur Zeit wird an „Song of Spear and Shield“ (Ancient Skirmish – Also Griechen, Römer und sonstige Sandalenträger) gearbeitet. Die ersten Bilder sehen sehr viel versprechend aus (wozu man ein CD/DVD alles gebrauchen kann)

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