von Dennis | 16.11.2011 | eingestellt unter: Veranstaltungen

Salute: Ticketverkauf beginnt

Die Tickets zur Salute 2012 können ab sofort vorbestellt werden.

Salute 2012

Salute Twenty Twelve at Excel

Tickets for Salute 2012 (21st April 2012) are now on sale from the club website ( salute.co.uk ) if you follow the Twenty Twelve link on the left, or from the blog ( look above for the 2012 page).

We have held the price this year; £10 for tickets bought in advance, which gets you your entrance to the show, and of course the exclusive Salute figure. In 2011 we had 130+ traders and 90+ games, and we’re hoping for the same again in 2012.

Thanks for reading…


Advance Tickets are £10 (by post or online)
If you buy 10 advanced tickets you will be sent a free ticket!
Entry to the Salute Raffle is ONLY by Advanced ticket

Admission on the day at the door is £11 and will give access to the show at 10:00am

Under 11s go free
All under 14s must be accompanied by an adult.

Die Salute ist die größte Wargamingveranstaltung in Europa und findet am 21. April 2012 in London statt.

Link: South London Warlords


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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