von Dennis | 23.10.2011 | eingestellt unter: Kings of War

Mantic Games: Vorschau auf Dwarf Kings Hold 3

Auf Quirkworthy stellt Jake Thornton ein paar Informationen zum kommenden Dwarf Kings Hold 3 vor.
Dwarf Kings hold Logo

One of the reasons I’ve been thinking about points systems of late is that I’m including one in the next addition to the Dwarf King’s Hold series of games. This third set (cunningly codenamed DKH3) is in development at the moment, and is due out early next year. Unlike the first two sets, this is not a standalone game, but builds on the earlier releases of Dead Rising and Green Menace. One of the core features will be more troop types for each of the existing 4 races, together with a mechanism for building your own choice of force for each scenario instead of just using the ones given (ie, a points system). You’ll also be able to play any of the existing scenarios with any of the 4 races, in any combination. At least, I think you will. There are a few wrinkles left to iron out, but that’s the idea. This will mean that you’ll be able to get loads more game play out of each of the existing scenarios as they can present very different challenges when you change both sides.

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Link: Quirkworty


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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