von Burkhard | 02.10.2011 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Mad Robot: TMC Sprungtruppen in 15mm

Mad Robot haben ihre neuesten Veröffentlichungen für ihre 15mm Sci-fi Range angekündigt. Preis und Veröffentlichkeitsdatum ist momentan aber noch nicht bekannt.

Tachyon Mercenary Corps
Based on the planet Tachyon-12 in the Selous system, the TMC wages war for the highest bidder. By investing their huge war-time profits into the latest technology, they storm the battlefield with a precision that has earned them their reputation as one of the galaxy’s elite fighting units. TMC Recruiting Officers are free to choose their units from the thousands of worlds surrounding the Selous system, giving them the ultimate in flexibility, based upon their combat mission.
Jump Troops are used by aggressive TMC commanders as a fast-attack element. Their ability to move quickly and hit hard makes them a feared weapon in the TMC arsenal. The scream of their jump jets is the last thing their adversaries hear as they descend from the skies, delivering white-hot death.


Quelle: Mad Robot


Brückenkopf-Maskottchen, Todesrennen-Rennleiter und Aushilfsbespaßer. Im Zweifelsfall mit irgendeinem Diorama beschäftigt.

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