von Dennis | 01.12.2011 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Pulp

Lead Adventure: Bruegelburg und Post-Apoc

Lead Adventure haben für Bruegelburg und ihre Post-Apoc Range einige Neuheiten veröffentlicht.

Lead Adventure - Archbishop Lead Adventure - Warrior Priests Lead Adventure - Landsknecht Cmd Unit 2 Lead Adventure - The Lost and the Damned

pa-29Lead Adventure - The Bad and the Ugly Lead Adventure - General Suvorov Lead Adventure - Santa Contaminated Lead Adventure - Specialists Scientists Lead Adventure - Expedition to Wonderland


BRU-20 Archbishop (1)
BRU-21 Warrior Priests (2)
BRU-22 Landsknecht Captain 1 (1)
BRU-23 Landsknecht Captain 2 (1)
BRU-24 Landsknecht Musician – Drummer (1)
BRU-25 Landsknecht Musician – Flute Player (1)
BRU-26 Landsknecht Standard Bearer 1 (1)
BRU-27 Landsknecht Standard Bearer 2 (1)
BRU-28 Landsknecht Commando Unit 1 (3)
BRU-29 Landsknecht Commando Unit 2 (3)
BRU-30 Landsknechts 1 (4)
BRU-31 Landsknechts 2 (4)

und die Bruegelburg Angebote (alte und neue):

Bruegelburg Offer – 1st Wave (19)
Bruegelburg Offer – 2nd Wave (19)
Bruegelburg Offer – 3rd Wave (17)


PA-28 The Lost and the Damned (2)
PA-29 The Bad and the Ugly (2)
PA-30 The Evil and the Weird (2)
PA-31 The Beauty and the Beast (2)
PA-32 Mr. and Mrs. Backwater (2)
PA-33 Mad Dogs (2)
PA-34 General Suvorov (1)
PA-35 Santa Contaminated (1)
PA-36 Specialists – Scientists (2)
PA-37 Expedition to Wonderland (6)

und das passende Angebot dazu:
Post-Apoc – Late Autumn Wave (23)

Die Miniaturen sind aus Metall und im 28mm Maßstab modelliert.

Link: Lead Adventure


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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