von BK-Christian | 13.03.2011 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity: März Neuheiten

Corvus Belli liefern allen Süchtigen ihre monatliche Dosis feinstes Metall.

Infinity März Neuheiten

Dasyu Dozer Khawarij Magister Knights


Dasyus (ALEPH, Hacker):
The cyberwarfare specialist of the ALEPH’s stealth unit is one of the most fearsome adversaries for any technified army. The Daysu Hacker can be deployed hidden in the game table thanks to her Infiltration and Thermo-Optic Camouflage Special Skills combination, making her a valuable attack and ambush troopers. Let you be hacked by this sexy and dynamic female operator!

Dozers, Field Engineers (Ariadna, Akrylat-Kanone):
The Dozers are the Ariadna’s field engineers and the responsibles of the robotic Traktor Muls, in both versions, the unarmed de-mining/transport and also the campaign light artillery carrier. But, in Ariadna, even the engineers have to fight in frontline, by this reason, the Dozers carry the Akrylat-Kanone, a weapon capable to stop the most powerful adversary without damage his armour or equipment, so, later, they can recover and recycle it!

Khawarijs (Haqquislam, Rifle + Ligh Shotgun):
An old and discontinued release has come back! The Khawarijs, literally the “Red Turbans”, are the members of the Haqqislamite Supersoldier program. Their biogenetically enhanced skills provided them a superior mobility, being able to jump amazing distances and altitudes. The Khawarij of the old Haqqislam Starter Pack is release now for all the new and recent Haqqislamite players who cannot take it. Get rid of your enemies by surprise with this extraodinary light assault trooper!

Magister Knights (PanOceania):
With this release you can build all the different weapon options of the Magisters and compose an Infinity Fireteam of this fierce warriors of God. The Magister Knights are picked out between the most fanatical members of the Military Order to which they belong. Specialized in close combat, the fearsome Magisters are armoured monks with a mission: to fight and to kill in defense of God and PanOceania.


In Deutschland werden die Infinity Produkte über Ulisses Spiele vertrieben.

Link: Corvus Belli
Link: O-12.de
Link: Ulisses Spiele


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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