Blood Bowl: Blitz Magazin #2
Die australische Blood Bowl Community Ausbowl haben die 2. Ausgabe ihres Magazins „Blitz!“ online gestellt.
Welcome back to BL!TZ magazine, the Blood Bowl e-magazine for the Australian and New Zealand communities.
In issue 2, which can be found by clicking here –
- The Commissioners that presided over the biggest prize tables ever seen in Australia review their tournaments – Eucalyptus Bowl, Southern Shrike Bowl, Bushranger Bowl and MOAB.
- We interview Jay Little, the creator of the blood Bowl Team Manager card game by Fantasy Flight Games.
- The Chad presents his „best painted team“ from EucBowl 2011: the F.A.N.S.
- We welcome a new sub-magazine – the Victorian Times.
- Whitetailscarmblers presents the Muspelheim Cavern, a custom pitch.
- We showcase past (and recent) limited edition Australian Tournament Miniatures.
- And much more…
We also present our first (and second!) supporter prizes: a copy of the Blood Bowl Team Manager and a copy of the Lord of the Rings LCG in a bit of a Fantasy Flight giveaway to commemorate the BBTM release! Be sure to sign up by the end of October to be eligible – prizes announced on the forums at the beginning of November.
There was a point I wasn’t sure it would get to you, and it is a touch later than I would have liked, but here it is. I hope you enjoy this issue. If you are yet to subscribe, why not? Go to to subscribe and be notified as soon as a new issue is available.
So what are you waiting for? Go get BL!TZed.
Brett (SinisterDexter)
Chief Editor
Link: Ausbowl