von Dennis | 01.11.2011 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Black Scorpion: Umstellung auf Resin

Black Scorpion haben die Umstellung ihrer Miniaturen von Zinn auf Resin angekündigt.

Black Scorpion - Dwarf Captain Black Scorpion - Dwarf Pirates Black Scorpion - Rogues

Since Black Scorpion launched in 2005 two main things have happened. We’ve constantly become more popular and struggled to meet demand as our casting was always done out of house. Demand required a dedicated casting facility. More recently the cost of metal (even lead based metals) has risen hugely and continues to do so.

To this end I’ve spent the last few months organising a dedicated resin casting facility to address both these issues.

The key challenge to be able to produce resin efficiently to avoid the normal high costs associated with the slow production time, whilst enjoying the benefits of resin such as higher casting quality, more accurate re production of the original, little flash and easy clean up, easy conversion possibilities, lower material costs etc..

I believe we’ve now achieved this.

Therefor we have now begun a gradual replacement of our metal miniatures to resin. We have a large back catalogue so this will take a while and some items will continue to be produced in metal in the long term.

To start with the most popular packs will be replaced as the metal stocks run out. For the most part this will be Pirates and Cowboys.

As a pack is sold in resin it will be clearly marked on the product description so customers can tell what’s what.

We’ll keep an updated list on the forum of doom of which packs have been replaced.

Most significantly prices will REMAIN THE SAME. I considered our packs to be great value in metal so its with some pride that we can now produce them in a higher quality material at the same cost. The same is true for postage costs as resin is lighter these certainly won’t go up.

For the moment we are still very busy transferring models to resin as fast as we can. Once things get settled you can expect much more regular releases.

The main benefits are:

Higher quality, near to masters castings.

In house production allows much better supply to customers and traders.

Greater release schedule, we can now release miniatures on a regular basis with more diversity and options. E.g we’ve already made the modern weapons available in resin.

Easy conversion possibilities, resin is easy to cut and alter.

Cheaper postage costs specifically for traders, large orders.

There are a couple of specifics to address. E.g we had some limited resin miniatures which were then released in metal. Bromhead and Nelson will continue to be available in metal. Alexis will not be available in metal for the foreseeable future. But we will be making an alternative resin version possibly as a special character from Cutlass.

We’ll be adding some information soon with tips on resin miniatures.

All in all very exciting times!


Die Miniaturen sind im 30mm Maßstab gehalten. Im Rahmen der Umstellung von Zinn auf Resin wird Black Scorpion ihre Preise nicht anheben.

Quelle: Black Scorpion


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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  • Der nächste. Schade habe überlegt ob ich mir Cutlass mal anschaue, aber Resin-Minis will ich nicht!

    • So drastisch bin ich nicht, aber ich gebe dir recht. Resin ist im Vergleich zu Metall ein merklicher Rückschritt.

      Unabhängig davon, die Minis sind sehr gut designt und waren in Metall bisher ihr Geld wert. Das wird sich auch in Resin sicher nicht ändern. Und die Zwerge standen noch auf meiner (leider sehr langen) Kaufliste, egal ob aus Resin oder Metall.

  • Solange die Qualität stimmt, habe ich damit kein Problem.
    Den Resin-Riesen von Black Scorpion hab ich schon, und da war die Qualität spitze.

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