von Burkhard | 27.11.2011 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Baueda: November Neuheiten

Baueda haben ihre Neuigkeiten für den November vorgestellt. Etwas spät, aber besser als gar nicht: Anton Zimov, Gunter Braun und eine Sandsackstellung.

Baueda_Gunter_Braun_Cast Baueda_Gunter_Braun_painted Baueda_Anton_Zimov_Cast Baueda_Anton_Zimov_painted


„Gunter was born in the Austrian Alps, the son of a local trapper. Sent to the Eastern Front and wounded he had a chance to experiment with a captured Soviet Mosin Nagant 91/30 rifle with a 3.5x PU telescopic sight whilst recuperating. He liked it so much that he got at work on improving the performace of his K98k. He is now trying to get his hands on a 4x scope for it but he never leaves his MP40 too far anyway…“

„Anton took to shooting and hunting at a very early age, partly out of necessity to help feed his poor family. He would go into the woods with his dog and pretend to be a soldier like his father and hunt imaginary enemies… Now he does it for real.“

Die beiden Modelle kosten jeweils 5,95 Euro, sind aus Zinn, die Sandsackbarrikade kostet 7,50 Euro und ist aus Polyurethan.

Quelle: 1/48


Brückenkopf-Maskottchen, Todesrennen-Rennleiter und Aushilfsbespaßer. Im Zweifelsfall mit irgendeinem Diorama beschäftigt.

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  • Weiss jemand ob die Minis oben zu der 1/48iger Range von div. Modellbauhersteller (z.B. Revell, Tamyia usw…) passen?

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