von Dennis | 09.11.2011 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines

Army Painter: Neue Farben und Booklet

Army Painter war fleißig und stellt in ihrem neuen Newsletter 2 neue Projekte vor.

We have been busy…

First up, we have to apologize for the long absence of regular newsletters from The Army Painter. But we have been so busy working on 2 new big exciting projects:

Wargamers‘ Army Painting Guide

The Army Painter Painting Guide

Lack of time? Less of an artistic nature? Don’t know how…? If these or others are your excuses to never quite finish your army projects – this booklet could be your path to redemption.

Both Bo and Jonas has been painting toy soldiers since their early teens – with more than 40 painted armies finished between them. Many mistakes has been made throughout the years, but as the years passed, the experience of painting armies fast, was accumelated.
Since Bo and Jonas has founded The Army Painter, the excuse to write an easy-to-use guide on: how to paint your armies in record time, presented itself.
Starting in early summer we have worked on a free 24 page Army Painting Guide taking the reader through the 4 steps in The Army Painter technique: spray-basecoat-quickshade-done!
It is a FREE booklet and it will hit the stores in Europe in December and the US in January.
We have been generously accepted by Hobbyists across the Globe and now It is payback time to the Hobby community…

Warpaints shaping up
The Army Painter Warpaints

The last time we told you about how we were testing the colours for our new Warpaints Acrylic Paint range.
Well… we’ve been very busy over the past month and has come down with a whole range of colours, ready for March 2012 – much to the delight of many Army Painter fans.
Not settling for second best, we have engaged 3 different paint suppliers; one for the normal acrylic colours; another for the metallics and a third factory for the Quickshade Inks. Each supplier excels in a different field; thus we end up with the best of the best.
In the photo you can see the pot design (18ml) with the 3 different lids:

white lid: normal acrylic
black lid: metallics
red lid: Quickshade inks

Much more information to follow over the next months.

Aus zuverlässiger Quelle wissen wir, dass das Booklet auch auf deutsch erscheinen wird.

In Deutschland ist The Army Painter unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy In und Radaddel erhältlich.

Link: The Army Painter


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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  • Was ist denn ein quickshade ink? Die Dipps sollen doch gerade die Inks/Washes ersetzen bzw. übertreffen oder kommt das QS jetzt in kleinen Flaschen daher? Fragen über Fragen.

  • Ich finde das dies ein sehr gute Idee ist. Sowohl die neuen Farben, als auch das Heft sind vorgemerkt 😉

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