Karwansaray Publishers: Unterstützung gesucht
Für das historische Wargaming Magazin „Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy“ wird noch Unterstützung gesucht.
Hi all!
First of, my apologies for writing in English. Like many Dutchmen I have no problem reading German, but writing it without butchering your language is another matter…
As you hopefully know, Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy is back among the living and, as of this month, can be found at large train stations and airports throughout Germany. Thats not why I’m writing however. The reason I’m posting here (and elsewhere) is to ask German wargamers to come forward and propose articles for WSS. Guy Bowers and I are very keen to make sure WSS does not become a UK/US only magazine. So, if you have a good idea about rules, a masterful brush-technique or would like to discuss some aspect of (historical) wargaming in general, please let us know. Worries about English should not stop you. We can (and will) fix it and can, in exceptional cases, even take care of translating an article!We hope to have much more continental European input soon!
Kind regards,
Jasper Oorthuys
Karwansaray Publishers verlegen u.a. Ancient Warfare und Wargames Soldiers & Strategy.
Schade, dass ich noch ned so wirklich tief drin bin im historischen Gedöns, hätte mich sonst interessiert. Arcane Legions zählt wohl eher nicht …. xDDD