von BK-Thorsten | 01.12.2010 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine/Hordes: Februar 2011 Veröffentlichungsplan

Privateer Press wagen einen Blick in die Kristallkugel und kündigen ihre Veröffentlichungen für den Februar 2011 an.


Cygnar Captain Jonas Murdoch Character Mercenary Unit Attachment $12.99
Jonas Murdoch is a tough-as-nails trencher captain who can take even the worst mercenary scum and whip them into soldiers any Cygnaran officer would be proud to lead. Under his command, a mercenary unit functions as part of the army of Cygnar.
The Captain Jonas Murdoch Character Mercenary Unit Attachment comes in a blister (PIP 31079). A player may field one Captain Jonas Murdoch Character Mercenary Unit Attachment in a Cygnar army.

Protectorate of Menoth Attendant Priest Mercenary Unit Attachment $11.99
The attendant priest brings the strength of Menoth to mercenaries who choose to receive the deity’s light and truth. Through his earthly vessel, Menoth blesses the weapons of those who do battle in his name, moves aside obstacles in their path, and wards them from the heathen magic of their enemies. Under his watchful gaze, mercs learn to act in concert with Menoth’s legions.

The Attendant Priest Mercenary Unit Attachment comes in a blister (PIP 32074). A player may field up to two Attendant Priests in a Protectorate of Menoth army.

Khador Koldun Kapitan Valachev Character Mercenary Unit Attachment $11.99
Koldun Kapitan Valachev brings the iron strength of the Motherland to mercenary units fortunate enough to serve under his command. Skilled in the dark sorcery of the Greylords, he can chill enemies with icy blasts, propel his unit upfield on freezing winds, or remove debilitating magic afflicting his men. Those serving under him are truly part of Khadoran military machine.

The Koldun Kapitan Valachev Character Mercenary Unit Attachment comes in a blister (PIP 33078). A player may field one Koldun Kapitan Valachev Character Mercenary Unit Attachment in a Khador army.

Mercenary Ogrun Assault Corps Unit TBD
Armed with massive battlecannons that can lob explosive projectiles across the battlefield, the ogrun assault corps serves their employers as highly mobile artillery. Their great strength and fearsome axes allow them to effectively deal death in melee as well as at range.

The Mercenary Ogrun Assault Corps Unit comes in a box (PIP 41086). A player may field up to two Ogrun Assault Corps Units in a Cygnar, Mercenary, or Protectorate of Menoth army.


Trollblood Skaldi Bonehammer Character Solo $18.99
The mighty Trollkin warrior Skaldi Bonehammer is a champion among the champions of the bitter North, his thirst for glory and carnage an infectious tide that spreads like wildfire among the Trollkin he leads. His thirst for battle is legendary, and his relentless fighting style combines bone-cracking strength and a fearsome swiftness that leaves allies in awe and enemies broken and bleeding.

The Trollblood Skaldi Bonehammer Character Solo comes in a blister (PIP 71050). A player may field one Skaldi Bonehammer Character Solo in a Trollblood army.

Circle Orboros Tharn Ravager Chieftain Unit Attachment $17.99
Tharn ravagers are among the mightiest warriors serving the Circle Orboros, and those who lead them must stand out as unparalleled slayers of men and beasts. The Tharn Ravager Chieftain leads his blood-drenched warriors in a howling tide of savagery, moving them upfield with terrible swiftness and adding brutal strength to their axes.

The Circle Orboros Tharn Ravager Chieftain comes in a blister (PIP 72050). A player may field one Tharn Ravager Chieftain in a Circle Orboros army.

Legion of Everblight Blackfrost Shard Character Unit TBD
Sevryn, Rhylyss, and Vysarr are three blighted Nyss brothers, deadly warrior-sorcerers known as the Blackfrost Shard. Together, they bring to bear the ruthless martial prowess of the Nyss and the cold, merciless magic of ice and snow upon the enemies of their Everblight.

The Legion of Everblight Blackfrost Shard Character Unit comes in a box (PIP 73052). A player may field one Blackfrost Shard Character Unit in a Legion of Everblight army.

Skorne Tyrant Vorkesh Cataphract Cetrati Character Unit Attachment $17.99
The very epitome of cataphract stoicism, strength, and martial prowess, Tyrant Vorkesh is veritable juggernaut of armored destruction. As Vorkesh cleaves through enemy after enemy, his deadly accuracy with his weapon, the Arm of Rahal, inspires the cataphracts around him to strike with the utmost skill and precision, while his sheer force of will shields them from enemy magic.

The Skorne Tyrant Vorkesh Cataphract Cetrati Character Unit Attachment comes in a blister (PIP 74053). A player may field one Tyrant Vorkesh Cataphract Cetrati Character Unit Attachment in a Skorne army.

In Deutschland werden die Privateer Press Produkte über Ulisses Spiele vertrieben und sind unter anderem bei unserem Partner Planet Fantasy und TinBitz erhältlich.

Link: Privateer Press
Link: Ulisses Spiele


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Hmmm, jetzt können diese gottlosen Söldner endlich feister im Namen Menoth’s kämpfen und eine viel leckere Chorale beim Metzeln singen! :3
    Jede neue Warmachine-Miniatur ist bisher immer ein optischer Genuss gewesen (bis auf Cygner, aber… naja, die sind halt viel zu nietig), also wird dat rischtisch scheen!

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