Warmachine: Cryx Lich Lord Venethrax
Neue Warcaster in Sicht. Vorhang auf für Lich Lord Venethrax, einen Cryx Warcaster.
Tasked with the researching of draconic lore, Lich Lord Venethrax is supremely well-suited to root out and destroy the Dragonfather’s dark progeny. Venethrax has dedicated his immortal existence to Toruk’s final war and is prepared to consume every blighted creature in charnel flames and blood. His mighty blade, Wyrmbane, has dismembered countless draconic creations, and the lich lord’s very presence corrodes the world around him. That he now steps forth from Cryx is a dire portent, for it heralds the coming of war between the dragons.
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Link: Privateer Press
Link: Ulisses Spiele
Geil! Gimme!
Ganz übersehen … „for it heralds the coming of war between the dragons“
Endlich kriegt Everblight mal sein Fett weg. 😀
Hm… schade irgendwie hatte ich mir etwas mehr versprochen a la Terminus als so einen gepimpten Baneknight… aber nett ist er …