von Dennis | 18.09.2010 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Wargame Shop: Kostenloses Hoke’s Run Brettspiel

Wargame Shop hat Hoke’s Run als kostenloses Brettspiel zum Download angeboten. Es handelt sich um ein Szenario des Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg.
Wargame Shop - Hoke's Run Wargame Shop - Hoke's Run Wargame Shop - Hoke's Run

1861 – Hoke’s Run (American Civil War in 3D)

This absolutely FREE complementary battle in our series of the American Civil Wargames in 3D sees the Union army under General M.G Robert Patterson attempting to defeat the Confederate army of General Joseph E. Johnston at Hoke’s Run in the Shenandoah Valley.

This fictional encounter is a prelude to First Manassas. The battle at Hoke’s Run could have very easily taken place, because General Patterson drove the Confederates away South from Falling Waters the previous day. The Confederates regrouped around Hoke’s Run and camped ready for battle the following day, but Patterson failed to press the Confederates and moved to Martinsburg instead. The Confederates waited four days for a battle that never came.

The game can be played in about 1 hour; it is very tactical and can be played again and again. It has a time limit of 16 bounds in which the Confederates must inflict a devastating defeat on the Union army. Its design allows for a fast, fun and realistic game that gives a flavor of the American Civil War period. A simple chain of command solution adds intrigue to the game, keep the chain of command together and everything is fine, lose it and it could cost you the game?

Combat is designed around the three factors that appear on the unit counters, these indicate the Range, Attack and Strength of the represented unit. You don’t even need any dice to play the game since a dice tile system is included with the game, but if you want to roll dice then it’s the simple six sided variety that you will require.

The game board is designed to be used either 2 dimensionally as a straight print and play or 3 dimensionally, this takes a little more time to construct but it is well worth the effort for the impressive game board you get at its completion. The final 3D game board gives you a realistic feel to the terrain and shows the tactical dispositions of all the game counters.

Link: Wargame Shop


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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  • Schöne Sache so etwas. Finde es immer gut, wenn jemand für ein Produkt was er vertreibt, einen ordentlichen und kostenlosen „Teaser“ bereitstellt.

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