von Dennis | 16.07.2010 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Scarab Miniatures: Weird World War 1 – Terror in the Alps

Scarab Miniatures, die bereits mit Project X eine Weird Variante des 2. Weltkriegs anbieten, kündigen nun mit Terror in the Alps eine Weird World War 1 Variante an.
Scarab Miniatures - Italian Arditi attacking Scarab Miniatures - Italian high command

Hi All

just a quick note to say I have just commissioned the first of a 28mm Great War Projekt X range. More details and background will follow as the Projekt X book and rules develop but we are provisionally calling the first set „Terror in the Alps“. Theres a whole host of new Great War in Italy models on the way as well- Italian High Command, Italian Arditi and special weapons, French 75mm gun and crew (pic of greens will be uploaded today), next up Austrian guns and mortars.

I will also be picking up in the next day or so the next member of the Allied „anti Projekt X“ force. A female agent. Keep an eye on the Scarab Miniatures forum and the files here for pictures of the green!!

I am hoping to have all the Projekt X British forces released within the month, certainly in time for Partizan at the start of September. If you have not been keeping count thats 4 figures, two zombie hunters, a British Para/special forces with silenced sten and the female agent. There is also another American Battlesuit with flamethrower to come and a set of 4 late War Germans with MP40s. Pictures are already in the files section here and on the Scarab forum. We always welcome suggestions for new models.

Play tests of the initial game have gone quite well, I hope to have a proper draft of the rules ready in around a month so if any of you have Projekt X forces and want to try out some games and help develop some of the final background, please let me know as this month progresses. If all goes well, the first proper rules demo will be at Partizan in September, but don’t hold me to that, as I need to paint some Germans, at the moment the British are fighting Russian stand ins! (Although once the book is out, that will be quite acceptable of course!)

Kind regards


Link: Scarab Miniatures


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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  • Ich mag den Italiener mit den beiden Handgranaten in den Händen und dem Messer zwischen den Zähnen!

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