von Dennis | 27.12.2010 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Rusted Heroes: Dezember / Januar Releases

Rusted Heroes zeigt die neuen Miniaturen für Dezember / Januar.

Rusted Heroes - Rhinah of the Wild Rusted Heroes - Brahn Life Cleaver

  • Rhinah of the Wild – 9,99 USD
  • Brahn Life Cleaver – 9,99 USD

The December new release is now available and shipping. This months new release is a great support character for the “Norse Invaders”  RHM3006 Rhinah of the Wild, Female Shaman w/ Totem of the Dead (x2 figs).

This pack includes Rhinah and her spell effect of the “Totem of the Dead” a Mystical Essence Spell effect.  She summons a Totem of the Dead which causes black billowing smoke to spring forth from the ground and within the smoke it siphons a swirling horror of skulls that shoot out to attack the living enemies of the Norse.  Rhinah of the Wild has a point cost of 30 pts. and has the following Abilities:  Bones of the Dead, Cursed Voodoo Doll, and Totem of the Dead.

Arriving this early January 2011 hacking his way into his enemies hearts is RHM3007 “Brahn Life Cleaver, Champion” – Norse Invaders.  Brahn Life Cleaver dances his way through his enemies hacking and cutting them down before they even know he is upon them.  Brahn Life Cleaver does not have a final point cost as of yet and has the below tentative Abilities:  Fearless II, Heart of the Wild, Leap Attack, Precise Strike, and War Dance.

Link: Rusted Heroes


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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