von BK-Carsten | 26.10.2010 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines

Rattrap Production: Testspieler gesucht

Rattrap Production bietet, in Zusammenarbeit mit Brigade Games, Demospielern 15% Rabatt.


Wer Spiele von Rattrap, wie .45Adventures oder Broadsword Adventures, auf Veranstaltungen spielt soll mit Rabatten für den Shop von Brigade Games belohnt werden.

Richard A. Johnson:

I’m working out the details with Lon at Brigade Games but we are going to offer a new game demo program for Game Masters. As our joint venture is called Sinister Laboratories, our demo team members will be known as Lab Assistants (and that would make all the players Test Subjects). Very Happy

If you run any of the Brigade or Rattrap games at a convention, you get get up to a 15% discount at Brigade Games store.

In order to qualify, you will need to be a member of the program (details on that when I have them.)

Once that is done, then your game needs to be listed in the convention program and you will need to provide a post-game write-up. If you provide digital images of the game, you can get additional discounts/prizes/credit.

I’ll post all the details once they are final, but here’s your chance to stretch your gaming budget just by doing what you would normally do. Keep your eyes open for how to join.

Quelle: Rattrap Forum

Link: Rattrap Production
Link: Brigade Games


Carsten, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Im Hobby seit Adam und Eva. Erstes Tabletop: Warhammer 6. Ed. Aktuelle Projekte: Blood Bowl, Pulp, Fantasy Skirmisher..., Malen und Modellieren

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