Pulp City: Aktuelle Informationen zum Regelwerk
Von Pulp Monsters gibt es neues zum kommenden gedruckten Regelwerk, welches ein echtes Schwergewicht werden wird.
Hello Citizens, didn’t want to talk about before being absolutely sure,
but today I am, so here we go: the book arrival date is 28.10.2010.
Printers confirmed it, I saw initial print outs.Part why it is 4 weeks after the initial ETA is that we kept on improving it like crazy.
This was probably the furthest thing from a rushed release.
I am putting a lot of trust in the fact, that we won’t have to provide a 10 page errata as soon as it is out. Meanwhile, Melvin was taking the opportunity to add even more awesome art.Overall, when it is here, I will probably cry, the tears of awesomeness will flow
The book will ship as soon as we got it here. So get yourself ready for 2 pounds of awesomness (yes, that is how much it weighs!).All of you who got the book at GenCon, you will receive an email with the confirmation – if you don’t get it by the end of the week, please contact me individually.
Thanks for the patience and the support!
Das Buch wird zum 28.10.2010 erwartet und soll ein ganzes Kilogramm wiegen.
In Deutschland ist Pulp City unter anderem über unseren Partner Planet Fantasy erhältlich und wird über Ulisses Spiele vertrieben.
Quelle: Pulp City