Pulp City: Aktuelle Informationen
Bei Pulp Monsters wird ein wenig aus dem Nähkästchen bzw. von der Werkbank herunter geplaudert.
Just a little insight into the Pulp Monsters workshop:
Handing over the business issues to a new Sales Manager does take a little more time than expected but all is on the good way. We’ll soon have a new catalogue and the new retail offer.
The book just better as in a last second decision, I’ve added extra quality for paper and the cover, making it 135g thick with a 2,5 thick cover. This caused the cover to be slightly altered, but it is on the good way. The printers I am using are superior craftsman though communication with them is not super easy as they are very bureaucratic!
On the miniature front, we are almost done with yet another Ulthar box with Scorpio and Aquarius Warlord. My favorite news are from a box that will begin the new era for Pulp City – cannibalizing our own story. James has produced the most magnificent new Solar miniature along the dreaded pouncing Avatar of the Jaguar. The box will hold a revised Level 2 Solar card (yes, he can Fly now) and whole new AoJ. Plus, Dark Solar, Level 3 that combines the best and the worse of the former two. In the box you will find Stalker, the jaguar companion as well.
Another box we are working on is fated to be loved by all Twilight fans, we call the box „Howlers“ and it serves you two more weres that will bolster both your…. Blood Watch and Coven. How come? Wait to see that. OK, fans of Twilight may not be that happy, as Loup Garou, our cajun werewolf is not exactly Jacob; and Moonchild would kick Bella’s a#$ in a b#%*% fight! Especially that she can shift, guess into what?
Giant Hadron turns out to be 12 cm tall and especially for him, though having the monsters in mind, we’ll introduce an 80mm base.
Speaking of monsters, the team is busy working on the first annual which will hold a lot of the material we initially wanted to include in the main book. Thanks to extra time and space, Monsters are looking fierce and will provide an excellent new gaming option. The book will also add some new Plot building, campaigning options. It is all nicely wrapped up in a theme that will shake Pulp City and pit some of the Supremes right were they like it the most. Your Chimp Chi will be delighted, I promise!
Man hat sich wohl tatsächlich dazu entschieden Captain Hadron eine entsprechende Miniatur für seine „Giant“-Form zu spendieren, nachdem die normal große und die Mini-Form in einer Box samt allen Karten und Lady Cyburn demnächst erscheinen wird. Die Wortwahl läßt durchblicken dass die Arbeiten schon fortgeschritten oder gar abgeschlossen sind. 12 cm Körpergröße wird einem „Giant“ mehr als gerecht finden wir. Auf diverse Nachfrage bezüglich der 80mm-Base hat man sich zu einer weiteren Aussage hinreißen lassen:
Yes, base included. We are making an 80mm template and on top of it there will be a Custom base for Hadron with some scenic bits like cracked pavement etc.
Nice stuff!
In Deutschland ist Pulp City unter anderem über unseren Partner Planet Fantasy erhältlich und wird über Ulisses Spiele vertrieben.
Quelle: Pulp City