von Dennis | 03.08.2010 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Perry Miniatures: August Neuheiten

Eine kleine Zusammenfassung der August Neuheiten der Perrys.

Perry Miniatures - AWI Artillery Perry Miniatures - AWI Artillery Perry Miniatures - Napoleonic Artillery

Erster Carlistenkrieg

  • ISA60 Royal Marine Command
  • ISA61 French Foreign Legion Command marching/advancing
  • ISA62 French Foreign Legion flank company marching

War of the Roses / Rosenkrieg

  • WR12 Lancs command on foot
  • WR13 Yorks command and Warwick on foot
  • WR14 Knights standing polearm
  • WR15 Knights attacking polearm
  • WR16 Bombard plus mantlet and six crew

Napoleonischen Kriege

  • FN 125 2nd (Dutch, ‚Red Lancers‘) Lancers/ Polish Lancers of the Imperial Guard command in campaign dress, galloping
  • FN 126 2nd (Dutch, ‚Red Lancers‘) Lancers/Polish Lancers of the Imperial Guard, lances couched, charging, campaign dress
  • FN 127 2nd (Dutch, ‚Red Lancers‘) Lancers/ Polish Lancers of the Imperial Guard, galloping, lances upright, campaign dress
  • FN 128 2nd (Dutch, ‚Red Lancers‘) Lancers/Polish Lancers of the Imperial Guard, second rank, swords drawn, galloping, campaign dress
  • FN 129 Line Foot Artillery Firing 5.5in. Howitzer
  • FN 131 Line Horse Artillery Firing 5.5in. Howitzer
  • FN 132 Line Artillery in fatigues loading 12 pdr (6 crew)
  • FN 133 Guard Foot Artillery priming 5.5in. Howitzer
  • FN 134 Guard Horse Artillery laying 5.5 in. Howitzer

Amerikanischer Unabhängigkeitskrieg

  • AW 157 French artillery in fatigues laying 24 pdr siege gun (6 crew)
  • AW 158 French artillery in fatigues firing Swedish 4 pdr
  • AW 159 French Fusiliers attacking
  • AW 160 French Grenadiers attacking
  • AW 161 French Chasseurs attacking

Außerdem ist der Band zum Mahdiaufstand „Go Strong into the Desert“ vorbestellbar.

Die Perry Miniaturen sind in Deutschland u.a. bei unserem Partner Miniaturicum erhältlich.

Link: Perry Miniatures


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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