von Dennis | 02.11.2010 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Olleys Armies: Kommende Neuheiten

Olleys Armies hat ein paar Neuheiten angekündigt.

At long last we are about ready to release the new SF Ogre, The Scrunt Thunderhawk Bike and the mutants in their testubes. These have been on our workbench page for a while but at long last they are with Griffin Moulds and we are waiting to hear news of when castings will be ready, so please check our website for updates as we hope to have castings anyday now.

Olleys Armies - SF Ogre Olleys Armies - SF Ogre

Quelle: Olleys Armies


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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