von Dennis | 07.08.2010 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Micropanzer: US RDF ATV Drone

Micropanzer plant jeweils eine Miniaturenreihe in 15mm sowie 28mm und zeigt ihr neuestes Konzept, eine US RDF ATV Drohne.
Micropanzer - US RDF ATV Drone Micropanzer - US RDF ATV Drone

This is more of a sneak peak as I have not sent it out to be printed yet –

There will be 3 variants to model
1 a recon survalence turret
2 a minigun turret
3 an anit-air missle system turret

I am thinking this is going to be 3 item codes verses 1 kit wiht all 3 options
selling the othher turrets as optional upgrade kits.

Wont really know until I see the cost of metal once mastered.

As you can see from the photo on right it is a small unmaned vehicle – a larger 6 wheeled transport is planned but not for a while. Not sure if it will be a 15mm kit might be too small with all the parts will have to see if it can be done with less parts — one for main body – 4 wheels and 1 part turrets.

Link: Micropanzer


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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