von Dennis | 31.12.2010 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Hasslefree: Letzte Chance auf 12 Days of Christmas

Die von Hasslefree initiierte Sonderaktion an, “12 Days of Christmas”, läuft zum 01.01.2011 aus und bietet noch ein paar kleine Highlights.

Hasslefree - 40mm scale Artemis (Nude) & Paladin Tiriel (Platemail)

Sculpted by Kevin White. These figures are 40mm scale and the only two made ever in this resin type…worldwide. No more will be made in this resin type, this is your only chance to buy.

Both pieces shown were cast as test pieces by our resin caster moulded direct from the green (the original sculpture created from a metal armature and a two-part epoxy putty) in a new resin process being tried out by our caster. The inside of the mould was dusted with bronze metallic powder and then filled with black resin before being degassed in a vacuum tank and allowed to cure. Although this process created a beautiful finish and made the figures slightly heavier, it took the production costs above what we could justify paying for long-term production so we instead settled on two other colour resins for our 40mm range…a white porcelain-base semi-matt resin and a blue-grey colour.

Since then both test pieces have sat in various places from our display cabinet to on top of our computer tower. Kev wants to keep them but I think they need to be loved and admired, not neglected and just kept because he doesn’t know what to do with them. So now is your chance to love and admire them!

Tiriel is a beautiful female paladin. Originally sculpted in 2004 in 28mm scale, she was one of the the first figures released when Kev started Hasslefree Miniatures. She was further immortalised into 40mm scale in 2007. From base to top of her head she is approximately 48mm high, minus base she is approximately 42mm tall. Depicted in platemail armour she stands serenely with her left hand on her heart and her right sword arm by her side with sword held down low in a relaxed guard.

Artemis was Kevs first 40mm HF Figure and named ‚Artemis‘ because he liked the name and not as any intended reference to a Greek Goddess. This female Hoplite has been sculpted using reference material from the Boeotian period of about 395BC.
When i first saw the original green of this figure it completely blew me away and is one of my favourite figures he has ever made, she is stunning. Kev later sculpted a 28mm version of this figure which to this day remains one of our popular-selling figures. I am not sure if it is because of her animated ‚rallying her troops‘ pose or simply because she is naked and one thing Kev does very well is sculpt naked women, and we have a fair few of them in our ‚Humans‘ range now! She is approximately 53mm high from her base to the top of her plume and approximately 42mm tall from her feet to the base of her plume/top of her head. The 40mm version of this figure was first released in 2006

Link: 40mm Scale Artimes + Paladin Tiriel @ eBay

In den Angeboten finden sich verschiedene Resinvarianten der Miniaturen und ein paar besondere Deals die sonst nicht erhältlich sind, wie z.B. sein Gesicht auf eine Miniatur modellieren zu lassen.

Link: Hasslefree  – 12 Days of Christ

Link: Hasslefree


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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