von Dennis | 26.12.2010 | eingestellt unter: Dust Tactics / Dust Warfare

Dust Tactics: Kommandoboxen

Fantasy Flight hat für Dust Tactics zwei Kommandoboxen für die Amerikaner und Deutschen herausgebracht.

Dust Tactics - Command Expansions Dust Tactics - Command Expansions

Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce the upcoming release of two exciting new expansions for Dust Tactics, the tactical miniatures board game of explosive battlefield combat! With The Boss, an Allied Rangers Command Squad, or Kommandotrupp, an Axis Sturmgrenadiere Command Squad, you’ll gain a new level of control over your Dust Tactics forces.

Both The Boss and Kommandotrupp have the Command Squad ability, making them indispensable in overseeing your other forces. Their exceptional motivational skills even allow them to reactivate units that you’ve already used! What’s more, both squads have the Artillery Strike ability, meaning they can serve as spotters for any friendly tank armed with Artillery (as described in the Artillery rules in the Operation Cyclone Campaign Expansion)!

The Boss is a squad of Allied officers, and they’re on the battlefield to ensure that every order is perfectly executed. Like other Rangers, the Allied Command is equipped with assault rifles and a machine gun, but their real strength lies in their ability to coordinate the attacks of other units. Known for its powerful leadership capability, this unit is a high-priority target that must be protected at all costs. But used wisely, they’ll tip the balance in your favor!

For the Axis forces, Kommandotrupp is a special unit of field officers whose skills are invaluable. They too are equipped with assault rifles and a machine gun, and like their Allied counterparts, their presence on the battlefield can change the entire course of battle. A wise general should take care to protect these experienced officers.

Keep watching in the coming weeks for more on these versatile squads, including an announcement for premium painted versions, as well as how they can be used to maximum effect along with the recently announced walker expansions and Operation Cyclone Campaign Expansion!

Die Preise der Boxen schwanken zwischen 15-20 USD. Die Miniaturen sind lediglich einfarbig grundiert, es soll aber wohl auch Premiumboxen geben, in denen bemalte Miniaturen enthalten sind.

Den deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Heidelberger.

Link: Fantasy Flight Games


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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