von Dennis | 19.11.2009 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

Warhammer 40.000: Dan Abnett über den Ultramarines Film

Black Library Autor Dan Abnett äußert sich auf  YouTube zum kommenden Warhammer 40.000 Film Ultramarines.


Link: Ultramarines Movie
Link: Codex Pictures


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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  • Für eine genaue Übersetzung bräuchte ich den englischen Text, da ich mit seinem Akzent nicht wirklich klarkomme.

    Grundsätzlich sagt er:

    -Dass es eine Herausforderung ist das Script zu schreiben, da man Dinge beachten muss, die in Büchern nicht auftreten.

    -Er lobt Codes Pictures, dass sie die Grundlagen des 40k Universums absolut respektieren und nicht irgendwelche Aspekte fallen lassen

    -Und dass der Film eine definitive Eröffnung darstellen soll, weil es noch so viel in 40k gibt, über dass man schreiben könnte.

  • Jepp, vielen Dank für die Übersetzung. So ein bisschen englisch verstehe ich ja, aber nur schulenglisch, ohne Akzent und der gute Dan redet ja alles andere als akzentfrei 😉

    Ich freue mich auf jeden Fall, dass Mr. 40K persönlich das Script schreibt und nicht irgendein Tuppes, der mit 40K und Warhammer so viel am Hut hat, wie Gregor Gisy mit Realpolitik ;).

  • Der Gute redet zwar was schnell, aber wirklich verständlich, fand ich.

    Im Grunde stimmt die obige Zusammenfassung, der Rest ist nur Erklärung und Ausschmückung.
    Ich freu mich, der Film verspricht immer besser zu werden und nicht der einzige zu bleiben. : )

  • „I first heard about the movie, it’s gotta be getting on to 2.5/3 years ago. And I was approached simply because of my track record of writing for 40k in terms of comics and novels. And I felt that I had at least the experience of handling the source material.

    We worked at it very hard, it’s quite a major undertaking actually, much more complicated than it appears, because there are all sorts of variables that you don’t think about in terms of a novel or even a comic.

    But also very enjoyable, it was a real nice challenge to be offered. And to have remained part of the process, (so) that I can now today actually see – 2 years down the line – see my script in it’s ultimate revision being worked on, is both very rewarding but also very very interesting.

    Today, (it’s) just being brilliance/brilliant, sitting down there and watching these characters come to life, in very very different ways, and each of them i still a Space Marine and quite believably member(s) of the same Unit, but they have got that differentiation, which I think is important for storytelling purposes.

    One thing I’ve really noticed about working with the company who are producing this film is, that they are regarding the source material with great respect. I think that was probably my biggest concern when I first heard about the project, ‚cause there are rumors being on and off for years about there being movies and other things like that, about /based on 40k.

    And the fear is, that somebody will come along and seize upon the most obvious graphic/iconic parts of the universe and forget completely about the context. In the/a universe that the fans themselves are fully supportive of and will notice if you get anything wrong. And this I think is a … very rapidly I was quite assured, that it wasn’t gonna be like that, but that this was going to be treated with the same sort of/degree of attention and care, and attention to detail i suppose, that we would do on a novel or game supplement or anything like that.

    I think the news that there is going to be a proper 40k film is going to be met with enormous excitement. In fact, the moment it’s announced, every single 40k player will have imagined the film, the cast in their heads. They imagined (it) like the’ve seen the whole thing and know the script an this kind of stuff.

    I think it’s very important, and what we really tried to do is to make sure, that this has got all the definitive ingridients that you would hope to see in the first 40k film.

    From my point of view, writing the script, one of the biggest challenges is actually a challenge that I face before writing the novels for GW and as much as this film really had to be a definitive opening statement.
    There are so many aspects in the 40k universe that we could write about, as I said, but the core, the iconic core of WH 40k are the Space Marines.“

    Soweit hab ichs verstanden, auch nicht 100% alles leider.
    Wer Fehler findet, darf sie behalten.

  • Was fuehr eine Art Film soll das denn werden?
    Haben die ueberhaupt genug Kohle fuer einen nicht-Animationsfilm?

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