Reaper: Neue Releases im Juli
Es gibt mal wieder einige Neuigkeiten im Shop von Reaper:
Dark Heaven Legends
- 03419: Vaeloth, Hellborn Paladin by Derek Schubert ($5.99)
- 03420: Fantasy Standards by Various ($10.99)
- 03421: Callus Darklore, Necromancer by Bobby Jackson ($6.99)
- 03423: Cerberus, Hound of Hell by Julie Guthrie ($9.99)
- 14542: Nasithe, Darkspawn by Julie Guthrie ($3.99)
- 14543: Majeda, Battle Nun by Bobby Jackson ($3.99)
- 14545: Acacia, Ivy Crown Sergeant by Bobby Jackson ($3.99)
- 14546: Ymrillix the False, Anti Paladin by Tom Harris ($4.99)
- 50083: Zulu Warriors (3) by Bob Olley ($13.99)
- 50086: Moroccan Merchant by Tim Prow ($3.99)
- 50087: Dan McDermott, Archaeologist by Tim Prow ($3.99)
- 50088: Sheila Valentine, Archaeologist by Tim Prow ($3.49)
Quelle: Reaper Miniatures