Hordes: Skorne Master Ascetic Naaresh
Ein neuer Warlock für Skorne: Master Ascetic Naaresh.
A warrior-philosopher who seeks enlightenment through his own extreme suffering, Master Ascetic Naaresh has unlocked the powers of pain and forged them into a unique and devastating fighting style. Eager to challenge the limits of his philosophy against new foes, Naaresh has left his isolation to seek battle in the west. Before each engagement he submits to the ministrations of his paingivers so that he may draw strength and skill from the agony.
In Deutschland werden die Privateer Press Produkte über Ulisses Spiele vertrieben und sind unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy Warehouse, Fantasy In und TinBitzerhältlich.
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Link: Ulisses Spiele
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etwas klobige Klingen (die sollen sich an ihre Artworks halten ;-] https://www.brueckenkopf-online.com/?p=39217 ) ansonsten sehr n1z ^^