von BK-Marcel | 02.12.2014 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Agema Miniatures: Karthagisches Kommando

Die Karthager sind bei Agema vor den Toren. Genauer gesagt die Kommandoabteilung der Karthager.


Matt has just completed our new Carthaginian Command set, and you can see them here in all their splendour! We hope you agree that Matt has done another superb job on these guys. The Commander in his Lion-skin head-dress is really quite something – the detail on his armour and Lion-pelt is exceptional, and the photo here really doesn’t do him justice! I’ll be posting some more detailed pictures shortly, so that you can see the detail close up.

These chaps are now off to the mould makers. We’ll be including this set of splendid figures in each box of our upcoming ‘Hannibal’s Veterans’, of which more news soon.

Link: Agema Miniatures


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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