von BK-Bob | 22.04.2020 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

The Defence of Procyon III: Kickstarter läuft

Die Plastic Soldier Company ist zurzeit mit ihrem neusten Projekt auf Kickstarter unterwegs.

The Defence of Procyon III

Take control of completely unique factions in this sci-fi wargame for the eurogamer by Dávid Turczi!



From prolific designer Dávid Turczi comes the wargame for the eurogamer: The Defence of Procyon III.

In this smart sci-fi struggle, one-to-four players take control of unique factions as part of a team-based conflict. The card-driven battle wages over two boards using 120 amazing miniatures, with humans defending against invading aliens on the surface and orbital space of Procyon III.

Played competitively or cooperatively, the highly asymmetric gameplay involves four different card-based combat games interacting with each other and continues until one side has achieved victory in this previously insignificant corner of the galaxy.

The world of Procyon III is brought to life by the evocative art of Jakub Politzer (Adrenaline, Sanctum).

Defence Of Procyon 1 Defence Of Procyon 2

Defence Of Procyon 5

In The Defence of Procyon III players will take on one (or more) of the four fully asymmetric factions battling on the surface and skies above the planet. While each plays very differently and has different objectives, there’s a high degree of interactivity between them.

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Defence Of Procyon 7

You can also view the draft rulebooks – one for each faction – by clicking below.

Hier der Link: The Defence of Procyon III Rulebook

Co-operative playthroughs in two parts from Slickerdrips:

Also available in static cam: Part 1, Part 2.

Defence Of Procyon 10

The Defence of Procyon III is truly the wargame for the eurogamer. It’s for the traditional eurogamer who wants to try something with real conflict, and for the wargamer who is looking for something with a euro-feel with low randomness and high strategy. Its highly immersive sci-fi setting will feel familiar to fans of Starship Troopers and Starcraft, while its cards full of smart and thematic effects make it easy to jump into for players who appreciate theme and want a heavy strategy space battle.

Defence Of Procyon 11

Defence Of Procyon 12

Defence Of Procyon 13

Defence Of Procyon 14

Check out additional photos on our Facebook album or watch the videos below for more.


Aethyn factions

Principal (Ground)

  • 30 Legion figures
  • 5 Centurion figures
  • 1 Empress figure
  • 4 Skybeam tokens
  • Directive board
  • 21 Command cards
  • 1 Combat bag, 15 Focus (black) cubes, 15 Discord (white) cubes
  • 20 Fallen tokens
  • Damage markers (red cubes)

Meld (Space)

  • 12 Fang figures
  • 10 Rattle figures
  • 10 Hood figures
  • 3 Cobra figures
  • Spore Cloud tokens (in denominations of 1 and 3)
  • 8 Command cards
  • 8 Evolved Command cards
  • 6 Neuron dice (function icons = square, sensory icons = circle)
  • 10 Function (purple) cubes
  • 1 Mothership tile
  • 10 Shield/Hit tokens

Human factions

Expedition (Ground)

  • 14 Scientist/Transport tokens
  • 12 Militia figures (tan)
  • 12 Marine figures (green)
  • 4 Hero figures and cards (UNMC Colonel John O’Hare, Gunnery Sergeant Paul Keeler, Doctor Stacey Krahm, Specialist MacKenna “Mac” Willard)
  • 4 Absorption Field tokens
  • 6 Deflector tokens
  • 19 Tactics cards
  • 12 Wound cards
  • 6 Pylon tokens
  • 8 Building tokens

Armada (Space)

  • 14 Interceptor figures
  • 6 Frigate figures
  • 2 Dreadnought figures
  • 27 Tactics cards
  • 10 Prometheum tokens
  • 10 Echo Drone tokens
  • 1 Ion Cannon card
  • 1 Lunar Refinery tile


  • Space board
  • Ground board
  • Round tracker
  • 2 Victory Point trackers
  • 10 Activation tokens

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Defence Of Procyon 16

Firstly, thank you for considering backing our project. By pledging your support, you’re ensuring that we can bring this ambitious tabletop project to life. Your support during the campaign also unlocks new stretch goals, increasing the content that all backers will receive.

Secondly, given the size and scope of this game, it will see an extremely limited distribution outside of current crowdfunding (notwithstanding the retailers who pledge on this campaign). By pledging now, you’re ensuring yourself a copy of this game that may be very hard to find after the campaign fulfils to backers.

Es gibt nur einen Pledge:

Defence Of Procyon 3

Stretch Goals:

Defence Of Procyon 4Versand:

Defence Of Procyon 17

We have dedicated Kickstarter fulfilment hubs in place for The Defence of Procyon III, offering cost-effective local shipping for our backers in the following locations: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, Europe and USA. In other destinations, taxes and import duties may be charged by your local postal service. Regardless of Brexit, we are committed to EU-friendly shipping of the game.

Shipping will be charged after the Kickstarter campaign ends. When the campaign ends, we will send you a shipping survey asking for your shipping address, and our pledge manager (Backerkit) will use this to calculate and charge you for shipping.

Please note that the prices shown below are our current shipping estimates – which may change – for one copy of the game. If you add optional buys to your pledge, your shipping cost will increase. While we are not offering group pledges, multiple copies of the game shipped to the same address will have cost savings compared to being sent to multiple addresses (in the same location).

We cannot ship to PO boxes. Given our past experience in fulfilling Kickstarter campaigns, some destinations require us to use tracked shipping, which is reflected in the estimates below.

  • UK: £9
  • USA: £14
  • EU countries: £12
  • Canada: £16
  • Australia: £18
  • New Zealand: £25
  • Rest of the World: £25 – £55

Die Kampagne ist noch nicht finanziert und läuft noch 19 Tage

Quelle: The Defence of Procyon III


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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