von BK-Christian | 22.02.2020 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Batman: Animated Series Adventures Kickstarter

IDW Games sind mit einem neuen Kickstarter aktiv und führen uns nach Gotham!

Und darum geht es:

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Das ist drin:

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Add-ons gibt es reichlich, beispielsweise das hier:

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Das ist das derzeitige Stretch Goal:

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Batman: The Animated Series Adventures – Shadow of the Bat is the next core game entry in IDW Games’ Adventures Universal Game System (AUGS). In Shadow of the Bat, 1 to 4 players will take on the roles of Gotham City’s greatest heroes as they fight Batman’s most infamous foes. Work together as a team to play the game in cooperative mode, where the enemies are controlled by a deck of cards and simple A.I. rules, or have a 5th player take control of the villain character in 4 vs. 1 competitive mode.

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Note: All figures will arrive unpainted and ready for your artistic expression. 

Offering 24 unique scenarios, based on fan-favorite episodes from the animated series, and the AUGS’ flexible game engine, Shadow of the Bat has hours of pre-made content already included in the box, but nearly infinite replayability thanks to player re-mixed and generated content. Want to play Scarecrow as the villain character in your favorite Two-Face battle? You can! Want to create your own battles? No problem! The AUGS lets you play your way.

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Batman: The Animated Series Adventures – Shadow of the Bat brings new heroes, villains, battles, and gameplay to the AUGS. Hero players can take back the streets of Gotham City as Batman, Batgirl, Robin, Catwoman, and Commissioner Jim Gordon. While not as well trained as his masked allies, Gordon is able to command the GCPD beat cops, making him a new type of hero. Looking for a bit more fire power? Upgrade those beat cops to Detectives Harvey Bullock and Renee Montoya.

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Shadow of the Bat extends the AUGS‘ rogues gallery with some of Batman’s fiercest foes: The Joker, Harley Quinn, Two-Face, The Penguin, The Riddler, Mr. Freeze, Catwoman, and Man-Bat. Taking your feedback from our previous AUGS releases to heart, all villains in Batman: The Animated Series Adventures will be able to be played in either co-op mode or 4 vs.1 competitive mode. Always sympathized with Mr. Freeze, rationalized with Two-Face, or laughed along with The Joker? Now villian-minded players can fill the shoes of their favorite rogues as they play as the baddies in missions based on some of Batman: The Animated Series most highly acclaimed episodes. Maybe it’s time to call in a debt in Joker’s Favor, fight for the cure in Heart of Ice, or question existence in What is Reality?; as the villain player you’ll fight through up to 3 battles in each episode in an attempt to show the Batman who’s boss!

Fear not brave heroes! You’ll be able to even the odds against these criminal masterminds with another new addition to the AUGS: gadget cards. Similar to abilities, gadget cards can be selected at the start of the battle. Swing over terrain to pick up other heroes with the grappling gun or entangle minions with specialized Batarangs.

Infos zum Spiel:

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At the center of all AUGS games are the hero action dice. Each hero in Batman: The Animated Series Adventures comes with their own set of 3 custom dice, which are rolled at the start of the round and determine what actions that hero will be able to take on their turn. After rolling, players will need to discuss their results and organize their dice, as the dice placed on the left and right of each set determine what actions will be shared with neighboring heroes. Table talk and strategy is essential if the heroes want to succeed.

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New to Batman: The Animated Series Adventures are gadget cards. As an offshoot of skill cards, players can choose to bring gadget cards into battle with them instead of one of their standard hero skill cards. Gadgets provide a ton of tactical choices when building out a hero before entering a battle. Players can combo gadget cards together to stifle the villain’s plans, such as using the grappling hook to pull yourself and an ally to the entrance of a building and then drop smoke bombs to break their hired guns‘ line of sight.

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Also new to the AUGS in Batman: The Animated Series Adventures is the commander hero type. While Commissioner Gordon can’t make use of the gadgets that Batman, Robin, and Batgirl can, he does always enter battle with  2 GCPD beat cops. Able to command these two cops, Gordon is unlike any other hero as he can use these additional miniatures to lay down covering fire, split their movement up to flank enemies, or reach objectives. He can even upgrade his beat cops and bring in the hardened detectives Renee Montoya and Harvey Bullock.

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In cooperative mode, 1 – 4 players will work together to accomplish objectives and defeat the villains in any of the game’s 24 battles. Turn order and A.I. villain activations are controlled by an initiative deck, causing each round to play out differently. A.I. villains are controlled by simple rules on their villain sheets that even include special actions, allowing A.I. villains to behave like their animated counterparts. Watch in terror as The Joker unleashes Smile-X gas on an unsuspecting bystander, giving heroes another objective to complete!

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Players looking to satiate their villainous side can take control of the villains directly. In competitive mode, 2 – 5 players will take on the game’s 24 battles, with one player playing as the villain. With an asymmetrical playstyle to the heroes, villains control their minions using a deck of cards. On their turn the villain player will select a card from their hand and play it into their tableau. That card will grant them an action to take immediately, as well as ongoing effects. Unlike heroes, who must roll their dice and strategize together, the villain player must manage their hand and choose when to play cards based on the board’s current state.

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A new feature introduced in Shadow of the Bat is the Dark Knight mode. Named after the formidable dark knight himself, Batman, this mode allows a player to play as a more powerful version of the caped crusader. Because of this additional power, Dark Knight Batman is built to be played as a solo hero. This allows the game to be played in either cooperative mode as a true single-player experience, or in competitive mode where 2 players go head to head with one player controlling the villains and the other controlling a single hero.

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Natürlich gibt es schon Videos zum Spiel:

Das ist das Core Pledge:

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The Shadow of the Bat pledge comes with one copy of Batman: The Animated Series Adventures – Shadow of the Bat, the Kickstarter exclusive Alfred ally with Alfred mini, and a set of all the stretch goals we unlock during the campaign.

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Das ist das All-in-Pledge:

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The All-In pledge is the one stop shop for EVERYTHING Batman: The Animated Series Adventures. By selecting this pledge level you will get one of everything offered in this campaign: Batman: The Animated Series Adventures – Shadow of the Bat core game, the Batman: The Animated Series Adventures – Arkham Asylum expansion, the Mystery of the Batwoman story pack, the Mask of the Phantasm story pack, The New Batman Adventures character pack, and, exclusive to the All-In pledge, the Villains  Upgrade pack.

Und das sind die Add-ons:

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NOTE: If you’d like to add any of the above add-ons to your pledge, just click the „Manage My Pledge“ button at the top of the page and add the cost of your desired add-on to your pledge. After the campaign closes, you’ll get an invitation to our BackerKit where you’ll be credited for your additional funds and will be able to add your selected add-ons to your pledge.

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Infos zum Porto gibt es auch:

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Die Kampagne endet in drei Wochen und ist bereits deutlich überfinanziert.

Quelle: Batman: The Animated Series Adventures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Moin,

    Ich bin ein großer Batmanfan seit 1989 und habe die animierte Serie geliebt, aber ich werde bei dem Kickstarter nicht mitmachen. Die Minis sehen sehen gut aus und sind eng an der Serienvorgabe angelehnt, aber irgendwie springt der Funke nicht über. Vielleicht bin ich mittlerweile satt von diversen Batman spielen.

    • Mir geht es genau so. Ich war beim KS von Monolith all in gegangen und habe das Spiel noch nie auf den Tisch gebracht. Dazu kommt bei mir auch eine gewisse Kickstarter Müdigkeit. Für Versand und Zoll habe ich beim letzten US KS am Ende um die 90 Dollar zusätzlich bezahlt…
      Als grosser fan der animierten Serie werde ich eventuell zuschlagen wenn es das Spiel dann mal in den lokalen Handel schafft und mein Sohnemann vielleicht auch Gefallen an Batman findet.

  • Das ist schon ne Hausnummer wie dieser KS und der Marvel-Cmon KS mal einfach so ü2 Millionen $ generieren. Hinzu kommen KS wie Wonderlands War, die auch Mal ne knappe halbe Million beisteuern…das Phänomen KS scheint immer noch nicht über seinen Zenit zu sein, auch wenn ich diese Materialschlachten KS aus Prinzip auslasse

  • Hab erst gestern mit nem Kumpel über die ganzen Kickstarter und den ganzen Hype gesprochen. Viele, die ich so inzwischen kennengelernt habe, waren ja früher jahrelang Tabletopper und haben aber aus verschiedensten Gründen dort den Anschluß verloren. Mehrmals habe ich zb schon gehört, Warhammer Fantasy wurde halt eingestampft und damit war das Hobby erstmal weg. Ich finde AoS jetzt nicht so schlimm, aber es ist halt nicht für jeden was und auch nur ein Beispiel. Familiegründung und deshalb Hobbypause kam auch öfter.

    Jedenfalls sind das sehr oft so Leute wie ich: über 40,verheiratet mit Kindern, im Keller oder Lagerraum Tausende von 90er Jahren GW-Minis und haben plötzlich Bock wieder was zu starten, aber es sollte Coop sein statt Kompetitiv, damit vlt die Kids, Nachbarn, Kollegen noch mitspielen. Aber trotzdem was mit Minis, Würfeln, Bemalen, Strategie und am besten mit Kampagne.

    Aber vlt nicht mehr nur was Turniertaugliches, wo man erstmal Armeelisten oder Gelände bauen muss stundenlang, sondern wo man direkt loslegen kann, niemand sich wegen Regelfragen bekriegt und jeder Spaß hat. Und auch nicht was, wo man nur die alten Minis abstauben muss, man will ja auch was Neues und Cooles.

    Tja, und dann landet man halt bei Kickstartern, hat 3 bis 5mal im Jahr ein Gefühl wie Weihnachten, wenn wieder was ankommt, ist damit dann auch das ganze Jahr hobbytechnisch beschäftigt und kann vor allem plötzlich mit ganz vielen Leuten spielen, die Brettspiele mögen aber Tabletop nicht. Ich finde die Entwicklung gut so und denke eher, der Markt wird weiter wachsen, je mehr Leute sich so fühlen.

    • Eigentlich bin ich ja auch so Einer. Ich schreibe jetzt aber nicht wie viele Kickstarter Sachen, oft noch in die Folie eingeschweisst, ich auf dem letzten Lokalen Brettspielflohmarkt gesehen habe. 😉

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