von BK-Nils | 27.02.2019 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Into the Dead: Board Game Kickstarter

Die Umsetzung als Miniaturen-Brettspiel des Mobil-Games Into the Dead soll per Kickstarter finanziert werden.

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Game Overview

Into the Dead: The Board Game is a competitive game of strategy and risk-taking in which players take the roles of survivors and their loyal canine companions to navigate a landscape teeming with hordes of the undead. By gathering supplies, killing zombies, and reaching safety, players show their aptitude for surviving the apocalypse through the completion of missions and collection of survival points.

Available for 1-4 players and lasting between 60 and 90 minutes, Into the Dead: The Board Game has been developed by PikPok and the team behind the hit mobile games Into the Dead and Into the Dead 2, designed by Rob Stoddard, Chris Cervantes, and Adam Poirier of Trishula Entertainment, and published by PikPok and The Brownstone Group.

About Into the Dead

PikPok’s original titles Into the Dead and Into the Dead 2 have amassed over 100 million downloads since the series launch in 2012. In Into the Dead 2, players follow the story of James, who journeys through the zombie apocalypse in a race to save his family. Armed with an arsenal of powerful weapons, players must fend off ever-increasing zombie threats while crossing treacherous terrain. The board game offers players the chance to play as James as well as other beloved characters from the world.

What is in the box

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Infectious Tier

The US$90 Infectious Tier pledge of Into the Dead: The Board Game contains:

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Apocalypse Tier

The US$150 Apocalypse Tier pledge of Into the Dead: The Board Game contains all Infectious Tier content, plus:

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Stretch Goals

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Social Sharing

Join us in discussing all things Into the Dead on our other social channels here:

How to play

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We will provide digital copies of the rulebook in French and German. The printed components of Into the Dead: The Board Game will be manufactured in English only.



„This is a zombie game, but it is very different to anything out right now. This is a very, very fun, fun–let me stress team–FUN game. I really enjoy this game. The board game is a phenomenal experience.“ – The McGuire Review

„This game is a lot of fun. I really appreciated the fact that it was played competitively… I found myself just gleefully enjoying my turn… It makes for fabulous stories and cinematic moments. This put a breath of fresh air in the zombie theme. I really, really enjoyed this.“ – The Undead Viking

„This isn’t like anything you’ve played. If you’ve played the app, it’s an excellent port!“ – Derek Funkhouser, Board Game Spotlight

„A whole lot of fun! … It’s great looking and plays just like the app. Cool integration to into the community from an app.“ – Michael Wright, Unfiltered Gamer

„They’ve done a really nice job capturing that video game app feel and putting it into the board game. You definitely get that high tension, high pressure from moving through the zombies, and the horde ever pressing closer to you.“ – Mark Streed, The Dice Tower

About the team

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About PikPok

PikPok is is the developer and publisher of the hit mobile games Into the Dead and Into the Dead 2, available on the App Store and Google Play. Founded in 1997, PikPok is a leading publisher of fun and addictive games across smartphone, tablet, desktop, and tabletop. We deliver you great games, where ever and whenever you want to play them, from the bus stop to the living room.

About Trishula Entertainment

Trishula Entertainment is a game design studio founded by Rob Stoddard, Chris Cervantes, and Adam Poirier. Individual designer credits include over 100 commercial titles across leading brands including Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, Lego, Justice League, Pirates of the Caribbean, Pixar, Privateer Press and Hasbro/Transformers.

Why Kickstarter?

Kickstarter provides an opportunity for us to introduce Into the Dead to a new audience and to enter a new creative industry. We chose to run this campaign via Kickstarter because of its strong and passionate board game community.


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We offer Customs Friendly shipping in USA, Canada, the EU, Australia, and New Zealand. We will look into making the same arrangement for locations where we have a significant number of backers.

Shipping will be charged after the completion of the campaign in the pledge manager. Your address will be collected in the pledge manager in order to dispatch your pledge to the most accurate of our international shipping hubs.

The following are up-to-date estimates for the shipping costs per region. Please, keep in mind that these costs may rise depending on the evolution of the campaign (unlocked stretch goals which will increase the weight of the parcel), and due to industry-wide fluctuations in shipping costs between now and the time of fulfillment.

  •  USA: US$10 – 20 to most states
  •  CANADA: US$20 – 25
  •  EUROPE: US$15 – 20 for most EU countries
  •  ASIA: US$15-30 to most countries
  •  AUSTRALIA: US$15 – 20 to most territories
  •  NEW ZEALAND: US$10 – 20 nationwide
  •  REST OF THE WORLD (all unlisted countries): US$70-100 to most other countries.

We cannot ship to PO Boxes domestically or internationally.

We do not ship to the following countries: Afghanistan, Brazil, Burma (Myanmar), Cuba, Iran,  Kazakhstan, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, and Yemen.

Risks and challenges

We have made significant efforts to minimize risk in the usual problem areas for board game Kickstarter campaigns by contracting many industry experts to advise on these challenges so that we can preempt them as much as possible.

There are however always vagaries associated with manufacturing, shipping, and customs. We are working with highly reputable partners in order to prevent these issues as much as possible, but there may be unforeseen circumstances that will affect the final product or its delivery timeline. If so, we pledge to communicate these circumstances in a timely manner.

We aim to begin delivering this Kickstarter in Q2 2020. Due to international shipping logistics, backers in different regions may receive their reward sooner than others.

Learn about accountability on Kickstarter

Questions about this project? Check out the FAQ

Die Kampagne steht bei 40.932,00 USD von einem Zielbetrag von 70.000,00 USD und läuft noch 15 Tage.

Quelle: Into the Dead: The Board Game auf Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • War auch mein erster Gedanke.
      Super…endlich mal was mit Zombies..!!
      Ob Film,Serie oder Spiele…wir brauchen mehr Zombiekram.
      Na wems gefällt.

  • Das spricht mich irgendwie nicht an, auch wenn die Figurendesigns gut ausschauen. Ich kenne allerdings die Vorlage dafür auch nicht, das ist evtl. eher etwas für Fans.

    @Die ganzen Nörgler:
    Ach Leute… es zwingt euch doch keiner es zu kaufen. Wäre eure Meinung repräsentativ, soll heißen, würden sich die ganzen Zombiesachen nicht wie geschnitten Brot verkaufen, würden auch nicht ständig Produkte rund um das Thema erscheinen aber hey… anscheinend gibt es da draußen gaaanz viele Menschen die das Thema noch imme rspannend finden. Macht doch selber ein Projekt mit einer anderen Thematik – das ist deutlich produktiver als dieses ständige Gejammere, das nervt nämlich deutlich mehr als die Zombieflut 😉

    • hat keiner Gemeckert 😉

      aber mal im Ernst, nach 9 Tagen gerade mal zur Hälfte finanziert, „wie geschnitten Brot“ sieht anders für mich aus.

      Ich will es ja niemanden vermiesen, aber ich finde das Thema hat sich tot gekickstartet.

  • Neee, das geschnitten Brot bezog sich allgemein auf das Zombiethema, nicht speziell auf dieses Spiel, bei der Masse an Dingen, die mit Zombiethematik auf den Markt kommen, kann ja nicht alles ein Erfolg sein 😉

    Ich dachte da zB an die Zombicide Spiele, diverse Computerspiele, Filme, Bücher usw. das Thema fasziniert immer noch genug Menschen, trifft halt irgendwie den Zeitgeist.

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