von BK-Nils | 03.08.2019 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

FW: Reaver Warpfeld Rakete und Mechanicum Knight Moirax

Forge World bringen für Adeptus Titanicus eine neue Waffenoption, die Warpfeld Rakete passt auf einen Reaver Titanen und es gibt zwei neue kleinere Imperiale Ritter.

Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan Carapace Warp Missile Rack 1

Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan Carapace Warp Missile Rack 2 Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan Carapace Warp Missile Rack 3 Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan Carapace Warp Missile Rack 4 Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan Carapace Warp Missile Rack 5

Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan Carapace Warp Missile Rack – 14,00 Euro

The warp missile is one of the rarest and most powerful munitions available to Reaver Titan Princeps. Mounted atop the god-machine’s carapace, the warp missile can be fired just once. Equipped with a miniature warp engine like those on starships, when fired it briefly enters the warp and emerges within an enemy Titan’s shields, causing devasting damage.

A warp missile support rack is a powerful addition to your Reaver Titans, giving them a one-shot weapon that bypasses shields. The attack has a strong chance of removing multiple structure points, or even causing critical damage to an otherwise well-defended enemy.

This resin kit builds one warp missile rack that is compatible with the plastic Reaver Battle Titan. It includes a fitting for a magnet, allowing you to swap it out for other carapace weapons.

To make use of this kit, you need a plastic Reaver Battle Titan. Rules for the warp missile can be found in the Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy Rules Set.

Forge World Mechanicum Knight Moirax With Lightning Locks 1

Forge World Mechanicum Knight Moirax With Lightning Locks 2 Forge World Mechanicum Knight Moirax With Lightning Locks 3 Forge World Mechanicum Knight Moirax With Lightning Locks 4 Forge World Mechanicum Knight Moirax With Lightning Locks 5

Mechanicum Knight Moirax with Lightning Locks – 46,00 Euro

Similar in size to the Imperial Armiger, the Mechanicum Moirax is a skirmisher, using its speed to hunt ahead of larger Knights.

Standing around half the height of the most common Mechanicum Knights, they nevertheless share a lot of details with their larger cousins – the basic shape, with 2 weapon arms, hydraulically driven legs, tilting plate and a large carapace surrounding the central head of the suit. Another detail in common with those larger suits is their loadout – for their diminutive size they’re incredibly powerful, specialising in ranged combat.

The Knight Moirax is armed with two lightning locks and a carapace-mounted heavy stubber, the latter of which can be replaced with a meltagun. Two distinctive faceplates are supplied in the kit (a knightly helm and a Mechanicum skull), and both weapons and legs can be attached to either side of the model, allowing for some customisation of pose.

This multipart plastic and resin kit makes one Mechanicum Knight Moirax armed with lightning locks and comes supplied with a 100mm Citadel Round bases. Rules for using this model in your games of The Horus Heresy can be found in the Downloads tab below. Please note that transfers are not included.

Rules Download

Rules for using this unit in Horus Heresy games can be downloaded by the clicking on the link below.

Mechanicum Knight Moirax Talon

Forge World Mechanicum Knight Moirax With Volkite Veuglaire And Gyges Siege Claw 1

Forge World Mechanicum Knight Moirax With Volkite Veuglaire And Gyges Siege Claw 2 Forge World Mechanicum Knight Moirax With Volkite Veuglaire And Gyges Siege Claw 3 Forge World Mechanicum Knight Moirax With Volkite Veuglaire And Gyges Siege Claw 4 Forge World Mechanicum Knight Moirax With Volkite Veuglaire And Gyges Siege Claw 5

Mechanicum Knight Moirax with Volkite Veuglaire and Gyges Siege Claw – 46,00 Euro

Similar in size to the Imperial Armiger, the Mechanicum Moirax is a skirmisher, using its speed to hunt ahead of larger Knights.

Standing around half the height of the most common Mechanicum Knights, they nevertheless share a lot of details with their larger cousins – the basic shape, with 2 weapon arms, hydraulically driven legs, tilting plate and a large carapace surrounding the central head of the suit. Another detail in common with those larger suits is their loadout – for their diminutive size they’re incredibly powerful, specialising in ranged combat.

The Knight Moirax is armed with a volkite veuglaire and Gyges siege claw and a carapace-mounted heavy stubber, the latter of which can be replaced with a meltagun. Two distinctive faceplates are supplied in the kit (a knightly helm and a Mechanicum skull), and both weapons and legs can be attached to either side of the model, allowing for some customisation of pose.

This multipart plastic and resin kit makes one Mechanicum Knight Moirax armed with volkite veuglaire and Gyges siege claw and comes supplied with a 100mm Citadel Round bases. Rules for using this model in your games of The Horus Heresy can be found in the Downloads tab below. Please note that transfers are not included.

Rules Download

Rules for using this unit in Horus Heresy games can be downloaded by the clicking on the link below.

Mechanicum Knight Moirax Talon

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Schön das nach und nach die Waffenoptionen für Titanicus raus kommen (mal völlig ab vom Preis), der Warbringer würde mich aber mehr interessieren.

  • Schön, dass langsam auch mal die fehlenden Waffenoptionen für Titanicus rauskommen. Und ich denke, auch die Warprakete für den Reaver wird sich am Anfang so gut verkaufen wie der Rest bisher.

  • Denk ich auch, aber nur wegen der Warptrakete geb ich jetzt keine Bestellung bei Forgeworld auf, da wart ich bis die anderen Optionen für den Reaver rauskommen.

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