von BK-Herr Kemper | 29.05.2019 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Free League: Alien RPG

Semi-Offtopic – aber vielleicht eine Möglichkeit die AvP Miniaturen einzusetzen: die Vorbestell-Phase des neuen Alien RPG hat begonnen.

Fria Ligan Alien RPG Fria Ligan Alien RPG2 Fria Ligan Alien RPG3 Fria Ligan Alien RPGr4 Fria Ligan Alien RPG5 Fria Ligan Alien RPG6 Fria Ligan Alien RPG7 Fria Ligan Alien RPG8 Fria Ligan Alien RPG9 Fria Ligan Alien RPG10 Fria Ligan Alien RPG11 Fria Ligan Alien RPG12

Fria Ligan / Free League Publishing – Alien RPG – Preorder – ab 49,99 USD

The full printed ALIEN roleplaying game will launch late this year, but you can pre-order it NOW in our webshop and get immediate access to a meaty 168-page Cinematic Starter Kit PDF. It  includes rules for skills, combat and panic, five pre-generated player characters, and the full-length Cinematic scenario Chariot of the Gods written by Alien RPG setting writer and sci-fi novelist Andrew E.C. Gaska.

The Cinematic Starter Kit will be available for download via DrivethruRPG as soon as your pre-order purchase is confirmed – no more than a few days after your purchase. You don’t need a DrivethruRPG account to receive the PDF.

In addition, if you pre-order the core rulebook you will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the game before it goes to print and earn a play-tester credit in the final publication. There is a link to a feedback form inside the Starter Kit PDF itself.

The pre-order is open for a limited time only. Below, you can find the main offerings. Links from them will take your to our webshop, where you can complete your purchase. In the webshop, you can also add extra dice sets and other items to your order.

Questions about the pre-order, or something else? You’re welcome to our forum, dedicated to ALIEN and our other games.

Link: Alien RPG

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ein Rollenspiel bei dem alles auf Sinne schärfen und Gefahren erkennen hinausläuft. Super.

  • Das sind ja Schweden!

    Die Artworks sind zwar erste Sahne, aber $234.58 sind mir dann doch etwas zu viel Geld!^^

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